Wednesday, April 6, 2016

London: Day 1

Guess what ??? I'm in London!!!

No ~ really! I'm in London!

Long story short my oldest, bestest friend is living in London for a year going to the London
Business School AND she asked me to come & visit her & I was like "duh".

So I got on a scary airplane (by myself. Yes I cried.) and flew 10 hours & now I'm in London!

And I guess what else? I took pictures!!!

Lot's of pretty pictures.

Want to see?

The first set is in & around Trafalgar Square.
You come up out of this "Tube" station & you look up & you are THERE.
 All around you are these ancient statues & buildings & BIG BEN & it is amazing.

I stood there & stared. Open mouthed. Jeanmarie laughed at me.

And then I started taking pictures.

(So this guy was HUGE. Massive even. I am clinging to the side about 2 feet off the ground here.)

This was inside the National Portrait Gallery. It's the only photo I took because you aren't supposed to take photos(they said I could take this one. Honest.) The gallery is full of portraits from the 1500s. Ann Boleyn, Henry VIII, princes. princesses, earls, dukes. Oh my goodness. All those years of looking at those portraits in books or online do NOT prepare you for the real thing. They are GORGEOUS. Un-freaking-believably amazing. The colors are vibrant. The brush strokes & skill of the painters is unreal. The details of the clothing & even the rugs they are standing on are minute & perfect & look almost digitally mastered. Those painter dudes had some skills. Real, mad, skills. I am in awe. (these are so amazingly awesome I kept saying I don't believe they are real. Jeanmarie laughed at me again.)

Outside the museum we saw a group of mounted policemen on these gorgeous HUGE horses that just trotted thru the mad, crazy traffic, around taxis & double decker buses without batting an eyelash. So cool.

The London Eye.

Big Ben!

Me pointing to Big Ben but the camera wouldn't play nice & focus on us both (oh well- it's still me & Big Ben)

The Thames!

The Eye, the Thames. a river boat & more.

Totally awesome bagpiper in a kilt on the bridge over the Thames (I gave him a 2gbp coin because I'm cool like that)

St. George slaying the dragon (this one is for you DP)

...and the Beatles store.

 Totally awesome unbelievable day and I get to do more tomorrow!!!

Stay tuned!


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