Monday, April 27, 2009

Slash Lazy U Ministries

This is Leroy

and Reda Cowert

They are cowboy evangelists with an amazing ministry. Out here, in the west, ranches are so far flung & remote, that many ranch families live 50 - 100 miles from the closest church. Since ranches don't close for the weekend  most of these people don't get to attend church. Leroy & Reda take church to them. They travel the west in a horse trailer with living quarters pulled by a purple semi.

They attend ropings, rodeos, brandings, put on BBQs, minister at summer camps & go where ever they are asked to spread the Gospel. They make friends by offering their help at gatherings & brandings. Reda plays piano like nobody's business & they play & sing & tell stories & most importantly: preach The Word.

By going to these ranch communitys & pitching in with the work, they have created relationships & people have opened their hearts to the Lord.

Leroy often preaches from horse back & he is big on visuals. I've seen him use a spade bit as an object lesson & last week he used his grandpas rifle.

His point? You don't get to heaven by accident, you have  to aim.

Leroy & Reda are amazing people with an awesome ministry & a true love for The Lord.

You can contact them at this e-mail 


Sunday, April 26, 2009


Last Friday our pastor had a branding at his place. He invited all the local cowboys & they roped, branded & vaccinated & they we had a BBQ. I have lots of pics to share!

Bringin' 'em in...

Anxious mama's waiting...

Cowboys working...




The best seats in the house..

The ground crew...

Fun for everyone...


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Confessions of a dorky family

Okay. I admitted that I am a homesteading dork.

It's not just me. It's the whole family. And it's not just homesteading. It creeps into other areas. Case in point:

Saturday, while driving down to California, with the whole family strapped in the car (plus the dog & 2 baby goats) we played some games to pass the time.

Oh, that's not so bad you say. What kind of games? License plate bingo? Eye Spy? Sing alongs? Tic Tac Toe?

Ha! Not even close. What did we do for fun? We popped in our Rosetta Stone cd's and practised our Greek. The kids had a contest on who could identify the most words. And who could put together sentences. Really deep, meaningful sentences like "The man drinks milk" "The women run" "The girls read". I'm telling you I was spell bound.  Really. I was impressed with how much they knew.

Now tell me, you're wishing you could travel with us aren't you? Admit it, you have never used Greek to pass the time have you? Well, we're just dorky that way. After all the family that parses sentences together stays together.

Oh, and if you really want to experience it for yourself, we do have 2 free seat belts. You may have to hold the dog on your lap though...

Gives a whole new meaning to 'dorky' doesn't it?


Friday, April 17, 2009

For the dorky homesteader....

Homesteading is like anything else. You have your dorks, your dweebs, your geeks, we exist in every community. The other homesteading dorks out there will understand this: I got a new milk bucket! I am so excited!

How can I be excited about a bucket you ask? Well, for one thing, the sucker cost $39.95 . Stainless steel, no seams, nowhere for bacteria to hide out. Too cool. Now, my other milk bucket was also stainless steel & seamless, BUT, it was only 2 gallons. My new bucket is 3 gallons! See? Now do you understand the excitement, the happiness, the giddy "new bucket" joy?

Well, the geeks do. The dorks. The homesteading dweebs like me who have goats & chickens & 3 gallon milking buckets in their kitchen.

I think the cow liked it too .


Thursday, April 16, 2009

More 'news' in the kitchen

We picked up 9 new chicks today. We ordered 60 chicks thru our feedstore but they are just a touch flaky  & they haven't been calling us to let us know when the chicks are there. So today we picked up 9 & hopefully we will actually get the rest of our order. We got 6 Aracauna & 3 sexlink today, all pullets. If they survive The Little Man's love & attention , we will add them to our laying hen flock.

We also bought a new table & chairs. They were on sale & I had been looking for a while. I'm very happy with their looks, I hope they will stand up to the test of time (& 4 kids).

We got 2 benches & 2 chairs. We can fit more kids on the benches without taking up as much room. Everybody seems to like them so far .

So now we have 2 goats & 9 chicks in our kitchen. My children will be able to answer truthfully "Yes, I WAS raised in a barn!"


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Yay for redheads

Today, The Biscuit is 3 months old. Wow. Where does the time go? In some ways it seems like there is no way he could be that old already. In other ways it seems like he has been here forever.

He has discovered his fingers. He really likes to suck on them. He also discovered toys. He loves to have his little toys swinging overhead. He bats at them with his hands & his feet. So cute to watch .

The coolest thing about The Biscuit so far? Aside from everything I mean . The a red head! You can just see the reddish tinge in the pics here.

He is carrying on a family tradition. His great grandma is a red head. Her grandpa was a redhead. Her daddy was a redhead. She is a redhead. One of my husbands cousins is a strawberry blonde. And now The Biscuit. One in every generation. How cool is that?

Grandma was worried that he would be teased. She pointed out that kids at school are so cruel. I pointed out that he will be homeschooled, so she doesn't have to worry about that ! She's worried that he will  be called "Red". Nothing wrong with that. We may even start calling him that instead of "The Biscuit".

I am so excited to have a little red head. And when you are that cute, what does hair color matter anyway?


Monday, April 13, 2009

New farm babies

We added to our farm today. We bought 2 registered Nubian doelings to raise up as our next milkers. They are living in a kennel in the kitchen until they are big enough to go outside. Here are a few pics of them playing with the kids:

Checking out the dog.

Climbing on the sand box lid.

Big hugs.

Our milk doe, Claire, is getting older & needs to be retired, so we bought these little girls to be our new milkers. They don't have names yet but I'm sure that won't last long .

Once our chicks get here, the farm will be bursting with new life.

Here are a few pics of everybody all dressed up for Ressurection Day


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Please pray for Annie

One of my cyber-friends (as my husband calls them) & a fellow blogger (get to her blog by the link in my side bar "Texas Girl's Blog") has a 2 yr old little girl who was just diagnosed with a brain tumor today.

Please join me in praying for Annie & for her mommy, daddy & big sister. Prayer is a powerful thing & God is good, so let's put it to good use, Okay?

Hold your babies tight & thank the Lord for every moment.


Monday, April 6, 2009


Our lives have been very 'up in the air' these last few weeks. Many things have changed & the changes may continue.

My husband has been 'guest' pastoring at his home church. The church he grew up in & was baptised in. They are in need of a new pastor. My husband is filling in until they make their decision & it is possible they may decide on him. It has been his dream, since he was a small boy, to pastor this church. It is just amazing how the Lord works these things out.

The church is in a small logging town in northern California so we are spending our weekends down there right now. It is hard on eveybody, especially The Little Man, to have our routine so catty-wampus, but it has been really rewarding. The people are very nice & kind & seem to truly enjoy us being there. My husband has had very positive responses to his preaching so far.

My husbands family all live there or close by so we will have family if we do move. But it is hard to think of moving from here & leaving our church family. We have so many wonderful friends here, we will miss them greatly. And the not knowing part is driving me crazy. I am one who needs to have "a plan" & not being able to plan really stretches me. I hope everything is settled in time for me to plant a garden. I know that seems silly but it is a big deal to me. And everything costs so much in California! From real estate to taxes to car registration; we have major sticker shock! But for now, we are just playing the waiting game.

"But those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.  Isaiah 40:31



Wednesday, April 1, 2009