Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Hearts Day!

It's Valentines Day again.

What did y'all do for fun?

I thought I'd share a few pictures of the hearts in our day :)

We started our day with heart shaped pancakes! (no food dye ~yet).

If you don't happen to have a dozen different size heart cookie cutters; you can always go old school & shape them by hand...

Isn't that a pretty meal?

And a pretty table?

And pretty kids? :)

A Valentiney front door.

Super cute heart chains ( we stole the idea from Pinterest. Sigh.)

Hearts on the window.

Okay, okay. NOT a heart but c'mon...isn't that pretty?

Another stolen idea: pink cookie dough...

...for pink chocolate chip cookies.

And of course, Valentines wouldn't be Valentines without heart shaped sugar cookies.

(and these particular cookies were made by a 16 year old boy. Like my Daddy always said:" as you raise 'em so you have 'em.")  :)

So what did you do today?

And here is a thought to ponder: if you are one of the folks who doesn't 'do' Valentines, why don't you?

Do you not because it isn't Biblical?

Do you feel it wouldn't be pleasing to the Lord?

Well. My thoughts on that are that it isn't un-Biblical either. It is a made up day. Valentines is not a 'holy day' at all. Not a pagan worship day. It's just a day named after a guy who sent love letters from prison. It's a day we 'celebrate' those we love.

Do we 'need' a day to celebrate those we love?

No. At least we shouldn't. We should love boldly, bravely, visibly every. single. day. of. the. year.

But there is nothing wrong with having a special day -set out- to do something fun. Something out of the ordinary just to say " I love you".

Something like heart shaped pancakes. Or breakfast in bed. Or flowers. Or hand made hearts pasted to every blessed surface in the house.

And if after thinking on all of these reasons, Valentines still doesn't set right with you, consider this: if you say 'no' to Valentines & to Christmas & to Easter & to Halloween & whatever else there is ~ that's okay.

It's up to you to decide what is good & right for your family. But if you say 'no' to all of those you had better say 'YES' to something.

Say 'YES' to your own day. Make something up & celebrate as a family. Have a day where you do something fun, something different, something extraordinary just because.

Because if you don't, your children are going to grow up thinking God only says "NO"

And that being is Christian is NO fun.

And that the Bible is all about being boring & stodgy & saying "NO" to everything fun.

And NONE of those things are true.

So say "YES" to fun.


Happy Valentines Day.
