Monday, January 20, 2014

Matryoshka Dreams...


 I am a grown up.

I am actually a rather old grown up...sigh.

But I digress.

I am also, as has been previously discussed, a grown up who has a thing for Matryoshka dolls.

I love them.

They make me happy.

And they seem to be popular right for one reason or another. Which  means I can actually find super cute adorable items to actually purchase.

How cool is that?

So. The other day I saw the most adorable, super cutest, HAD TO HAVE them item ever.

Aren't they precious???? Of course they are.

Flannel Matryoshka sheets ~ in pink & orange.

Now if you know me at all, have ever in fact even just passed me by, you might know that pink & orange are my 2 most favorite colors in the world.

And pink & orange & Matryoshka dolls couldn't possibly BE more ME (unless of course you added in ponies. Ponies would make it beyond perfection.)

And yes, these are on my bed. And yes, my husband is fine with it.

And no they are not exactly his favorite thing but I am & he likes to make me happy so...



Friday, January 17, 2014

Think Pink

So you may have been hearing of a product called "Plexus Slim".

Or maybe you haven't...but you are about to ;)

A few months ago a friend, whom I trust, (very important detail there) started talking about a new supplement she was taking called Plexus Slim. It's this pink powder you add to water, drink down & wow it can make a BIG difference.

My friend, let's call her "B" (cause that is what I call her anyway), has been struggling with her health for years. She suffered from severe adrenal fatigue which just sucked the life out of her. She's a smart cookie & had been extensively researching natural ways to improve her health. All kinds of herbs & supplements & diets & what have you.

THEN someone she trusted told her about Plexus. And she tried it. And wow. It made a big difference. SO she started telling her friends about it. And that included me.

Now, something I haven't talked about on here is my husband health struggle.

A few years back, when we first moved to California, he was injured. He suffered a major concussion on the exact same spot he had previously suffered other concussions. The rather scary result is that a portion of his brain...well, died.

You always hear those jokes about killing off brain cells? Well, he killed off a chunk of them. And those missing portions of his brain weren't passing along the messages that his body was sending & the result was a sort of physical anarchy.

He started dealing with all of these weird symptoms. Sort of a cross between a seizure & a disabling migraine.

We went to doctors. He had MRIs. He saw a neurologist (whack job with a God complex). They were pretty much useless.

By the grace of God (and another super smart friend) we started looking for a chiropractor that specialized in head & neck injuries. A different fabulous friend recommended a local doctor who was able to diagnose my husbands issues and ~praise the Lord ~ treat them. He started a therapy protocol which over the last 2 years has made a night & day difference in my husbands health & well being.

But he still had bad days & one of the big triggers to his bad days are blood sugar swings. He can become very sick & unable to function very quickly if he has a blood sugar crash.

Ask any diabetic~ controlling your blood sugar is a full time job!

This product ~ Plexus Slim~ was created for diabetics as a form of controlling blood sugar. It was designed to help them need less insulin by controlling sugars with out drugs. That fact pricked my ears big time as that sounded like something that would help my man!

He started taking Plexus about 5 months ago. And wow! What a difference it has made. He used to have bad days a few times a week & it was really hard on him (not to mention the rest of the family). It was difficult for him to work & I was more than a little scared at what the future might hold.

But since starting on Plexus, he has so few bad days it is fantastic! It is truly the answer to MY years of research & fervent prayer for something to help my husband.

The Plexus helps keep his blood sugar on an even keel & he doesn't get the huge debilitating swings he was getting. And if he doesn't eat right or has high stress & starts to feel an episode coming on, he is often able to avoid it by taking an extra dose of Plexus Slim.

He is so much more like the man he was before his injury ~ it's almost like night & day.

I started taking the Plexus at the same time as he did. I was hoping it might help me lose a few pounds ~ a happy 'side effect' many people see while taking it.

I haven't seen much weight loss (to be fair I don't have much to lose & it seems to work best for people who are more heavy) but my energy levels are amazing! I sleep at night! That hasn't happened in a long time. I was one who got super tired at night, crashed into bed, fell asleep... only to wake up a few hours later & lay there. And lay there. And lay there... while I got a lot of life planning done I wasn't feeling super rested ;)

I was also one who could do anything you wanted in the morning. As long as it was done by noon or 1 o'clock ~no problem!  Anything after that? Not so much.

I always pushed the kids to get school done because by afternoon the only thing I was going to be doing was holding down the couch :(

Until I found Plexus!!! Now I don't crash in the afternoon. After school we go outside, do more chores, do fun stuff, whatever. I'm awake & energized. It's such a God send.

Plexus Slim is an amazing product! The company also makes other amazing products including a wonderful pain rub that works so well!

I like these products so much I just want to shout it from the roof tops! I want everyone I know to try Plexus & see what it can do for them.

It also happens to made by an amazing company that offers an incredible opportunity to share Plexus with everyone around you.

So if you have been wondering what this "Plexus stuff"  is all about this is just a little taste of it.

If you want to control your diabetes, have energy, heal your pain from fibromyalgia or neuropathy, lose some weight or just plain feel 10 years younger try Plexus~ please it's life changing!

You can look here  to learn more about or just ask me ~ I love to share about Plexus.


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Bowling for Birthdays



turned 5 today.

Oh it's a happy day. Birthdays are always fun & happy.

But for this mama, it's a bittersweet day. You see, I am fresh out of babies.

5 year olds are not babies.

They are big boys.

And he is my last one :(

No more babies. Sigh.

I know lots of folks cheer this day. They can't wait to done with babies & toddlers & little guys.

Not me. I love babies. I love toddlers. I love little guys.


Okay. Time to cowgirl up...


Bubbles turned 5 today!

He wanted a fishing pole & to go bowling.

Bowling shoes. A fashion statement of their own...


Strike for mommy!

And then it was home for cake.

With milk in the 'birthday glass'

Happy birthday Bubbles :)
