Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Dance of the Crane

I love where I live.

I mean I really really love where I live.

Y'all may watch the Nature Channel but I stinkin' LIVE the Natural Channel!

The little boys & I are were doing school when my big boy called me outside. Right over the fence line, in the field 3 cranes were doing their trumpet call. I love their trumpet call. Sigh.

I grabbed my camera & snuck over to the fence line & you know what I saw?

The cranes were dancing!


It appeared to be 2 males & 1 female & the males were dancing for the female.

It was like an episode of Wild Kingdom.

I expected Marlin Perkins & Jim to fly in with helicopter any moment...

So in case you didn't know~ I love cranes. I love their call. I love their grace. I adore the cute bright orange little fuzzballs that are their chicks. I love cranes.

And they are everywhere here.

Including the field next door.

I took bunches of pictures & these are my favorites.

The crane cha cha?  Disco bird? Fancy footed Fowl? Whatever you call it, it's amazing what our Creator has endowed.


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