Monday, April 11, 2016

Yorkshire Dales: Day 2

Our second day in the Yorkshire Dales we drove out in search of Swaledale sheep & castles.

We found them...

Look at the gorgeous countryside! There was even a little snow for us!

Miles & miles & miles of stone walls. I am jealous of all of those walls!

My little boys sent me with instructions to find & photograph  Swaledale sheep (they are great fans of James Herriot as well).

I did my very best.

Happy cows live in Yorkshire.


Castle Bolton.

Just a chain...that's been in the wall of a castle...oh for maybe 6...700 years tops...

Portcullis here & portcullis there...

The photo above is a special slanted basin under the window where they would pour out wash water & it would cascade down unto the gardens bellow.

Below is the garderobe or toilet. Do you know why it was called a garderobe? Look it up. Seriously...

So if you know your history you know that Mary Queen of Scots was exiled to the English country side. Guess where? Castle Bolton. This is the view from her sitting room window.

She would sit here & embroider.

The little niche next to the fire place is where they would put her wine to warm up.

Mary's bed chamber. And the allegedly haunted bed...

Oh look! Another castle!

This place is lousy with castles. Just lousy with them.

And pheasants.

Pheasants are everwhere! Everywhere. Hundreds of them. Made me wish for a dog & a gun.


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