Sunday, April 16, 2017

The Bunny or the Lamb?

I grew up in an atheist home.

Christmas and Easter were all about Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.

Jesus - whoever He was- didn't feature at all.

I became saved as an adult and for awhile we continued with those traditions because they were what I knew.

But after time it became clear -that for us- to continue in those activities was not God honoring.

Before you decide I'm some kind of legalistic joy-sucker, let me just say if you do those things in your family- good for you. 

If you can do the bunny & still honor Jesus- great!

But for me it became a stumbling block - probably because of the way I was raised. 

So we stopped doing the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus a long time ago. Before my little boys were even born.

And that works for us.

But I didn't want my kids to think we weren't joyful and everything had to be all serious all the time...

Because if Jesus loving us enough to die for us so we can have eternal life isn't a reason to be joyful??? What is???

So we have created our own traditions.

That aren't necessarily linked with anything at all other than they bring us joy.

While many folks do baskets and the bunny we do a family Seder each year during Passover.

No it's not stodgy.

It's fun and it's fascinating and our kids have a real understanding of how the Passover Lamb and all of the elements point to Christ.

On Easter Sunday itself sometimes we make it to sunrise service(but that can be really hard with farm chores) we get all dressed up and it's the one day each year their sister makes all the boys wear ties.

We go to church, we have a special meal and then we break out the baseball bats, throwing axes and light sabers and hang up the pinata. 

Yes. A pinata.

That is our Easter tradition.

We take turns with throwing ax, saber and bat.

Eventually somebody deals the final blow, the kids fight over the candy and we call it a day.

Not traditional. No.

Not boring or stodgy. No.

Not legalistic.

Weird. Yes.

But it works for us.

And our kids look forward to it.

And that's why I say: if you don't want to do what the world does GREAT but don't use that as your excuse to never do anything. 

Create your own family traditions and share the Joy with your kids.

Happy Resurrection Sunday.

Our Seder.

Blowing the shofar.

The 4 cups.

Darth Vader pinata. Just screams "Easter" don't you think???

One bub grabbed the head & the other ran off with the candy...

...but not for long!

Dividing up the spoils.
