Monday, March 30, 2009

Recent sillys

Here are some pics I took this last week.

This is The Little Man taking Reno for a spin. He loves horses. He wants to ride every horse he sees. He just needs "a rooooope and a saaaaaddle"

This is The Little Man sound asleep, in the car with a dog collar in his mouth. Don't ask me because I have no idea.......

This is The Biscuit doing his gnome impression.

This is another cool old barn near us.

I just thought I would share. The Biscuit is crying, I better go.


Friday, March 27, 2009

More on duct tape...

Duct tape is like "The Force":

It has a dark side & a light side & it holds the universe together.


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A Genius!

It's official!!! The Biscuit is a genius!

At the tender age of 2 months & 1 week, he can roll over from his back to his tummy!

Admit it! You are awed & amazed! I know I am

He's looking pretty pleased with himself too. What do you think?


Saturday, March 21, 2009

A long time ago..

Today is my son's 20th birthday. Yes. I am that old. Wow. It doesn't seem possible. I wanted to post some pics of him when he was little but that was long before digital cameras. I do have a picture to share:


I was given this plant when I had my son. It was a tiny, little thing in a  4 inch pot inside a red basket.

It's grown. My son has too.

I have repotted it several times. It has lived with us in 10 different houses. As far as plants go, it means a lot to me.

Happy Birthday TJ.

I love you.


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

For Love of Duct Tape

This is The Little Man:

He is fast asleep. Notice the duct tape. The roll in one hand, a piece ready to go in the other. Yes, he loves duct tape this much. He believes it can fix anything.

It can, can't it?


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Green is Keen!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

We are having a very green day today. For breakfast we had green o.j.. green eggs, & green cinnamon rolls.


(The eggs looked much greener in person)

(even I had to draw the line at green bacon)

We have limeaid & green jello to go with lunch. I don't know what dinner is yet but I am sure I can dye at least part of it green .

We also made some Green-friendly crafts:

Even The Biscuit got in on the green


We've had fun with all the green sillyness, but let's not forget the real reason we have a St Patrick's Day. Patrick was a missionary to the Irish people. He helped to bring Christ to a very pagan country, heavy into idol worship. I did a Junior church lesson on St. Patrick this week. Did you know legend has it, he used the shamrock to teach the trinity? How cool is that? So enjoy your green jello & corned beef with cabbage but don't forget, that once again, Jesus is the reason.


Monday, March 9, 2009

Lamb chops anyone?

We have a house guest for the next few days.

We are baby-sitting (lambie-sitting?) a bottle baby for our neighbors. The kids are enjoying it. And at this stage the lamb is really cute & her overt stupidness is still kind of dormant . But we are a little nervous. As my husband say, sheep are born to die, so we are just hoping this one stays healthy while in our care.

The bad thing is The Little Man is getting attached to the lamb. It may be rough when she goes. But we have a plan! The feed store has chicks & when the lamb goes we will buy some chicks. That should keep him distracted .

The Biscuit is growing by leaps & bounds.

Baby brothers are so much fun!


Sunday, March 8, 2009

Time Change....phooey!

Okay, here it  is. My annual rant about the time change: I HATE IT!

I firmly believe it is a city-person conspiracy. I mean, who in their right mind wants to make it so that it is dark when you get up in the morning? Just when I am starting to enjoy the early morning sunshine, just when it is feeling almost like spring, BAM! They sneak in the time change on you & suddenly it is pitch black when that alarm goes off. Bah humbug. I don't know about you but I don't care for doing chores in the dark. That is why I'm sure it is a 'city person' thing. After all what do they care? They just shower, drink their coffee, watch the "Today" show (is that still on?) all from the inside of their house so the darkness outside doesn't matter.

And then there is the added pain of trying to put your kids to bed while it is still light outside . I mean, who came up with this baloney? Every year I beg my husband to move to Arizona or Hawaii where they don't do the stupid, I mean silly, time change.

Sigh. It's a losing battle. Oh well. I'm going to bed so I can get up in the dark. Sigh...


Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Recently, after much prodding by friends, I started a Facebook account. It took me several days to figure out & I am still flying by the seat of my pants, but  it is fun.

One of the cooler aspects of it is the ability to 'search' for people. You can type in your high school name & class year & find all of the people you went to school with. I did this & found a friend I had lost touch with years ago. You know, the people you always wonder "whatever happened to them?"

I just found another friend I hadn't heard from in years. We were inseperable right out of high school. We had all kinds of wild & stupid adventures. We lost contact about 13 or 14 years ago. How does that happen? It seems like people just drift away. You don't fight or have a falling out, you just lose touch. That is the amazing thing about the internet & sites like Facebook. You might have spent the last 10 years searching for someone & then you type their name in Facebook & BAM! there they are.

I am terribly old fashioned & not very up to date on the 'latest things' but sometimes technology is just cool. Like the ability to Blog. Digital cameras make it possible for us to take a picture, load it onto the computer & send it out to a 100 different e-mails in minutes. Beats the heck out of getting triple copies to mail out to your in-laws   Google is just too cool. You can look up anything in seconds. My husband & I use it all the time for song lyrics. Instead of letting your failed memory drive you crazy, you can find the complete lyrics to all the stupid songs from high school that you can't remember anymore. Or when we couldn't remember a specific dance move we used to do ALL the time (the pretzel) we looked it on You Tube.

I still like 'the old ways' & I am more likely to reach for a book than my computer, but you have to admit, it's an awesome tool to have.
