Saturday, December 27, 2014

Guns & Ammo aka Christmas 2014

My inlaws & nephew came up a few days before Christmas for some skeet shooting & present opening.

It was a beautiful day & we had loads of fun.

Yes, all boys wear camo. All the time.

Shooting lessons for little boys.

So, the boys are cute & all but just look at this view

I live in the most beautiful place...

Ooo! Time for presents!

Ammo is a very popular gift around here (go figure).

Merry Christmas blessings!

Saturday, December 6, 2014


Before we get too far into winter (and hopefully feet & feet of snow...) I thought I would share some of my pics of the last few weeks of fall...

Gorgeous rainbow across the street.

The amazingly beautiful view from my barnyard.

look! We have piggies again! I love having piggies again. We couldn't have them in CA because our wretched landlord decided after we had lived there a year that we couldn't have piggies. Just because. He said so. :(

Happy happy happy.

Beautiful fall colors.



So I'm a little late but better late than never, right?

Yep. Yep. Right.

My second born turned 18 a few days ago (Okay. Okay. A month ago. Sheesh.)

In our house we have a few birthday traditions.

The birthday person gets to choose breakfast & dinner (we don't do much for lunch).

And we try to do a birthday activity that is fun for the whole family.

This year? Shooting skeet.

Yeah, we are one of those families.

Since I am majorly late, I'll just post some pics of our day.

What did the birthday boy get you ask?

A totally awesome .223 with a scope & bipod. (I want one).

The birthday boy at breakfast.

It was the last free burn day of the season so what better excuse to have a bonfire?

I have no idea who these ginormous grown people are. I have small children. Little children. Yup yup.

The family that shoots together...has fun :)

Sigh. Where does the time go?
