Monday, August 5, 2013

Furniture Makeovers Part 2

In my constant & never ending quest for color, I have once again, saved a boring lifeless piece of furniture from oblivion.

This ^^^ is a rather nondescript bureau/dresser we got at our last house. It provides a tidy amount of storage but is nothing to look at.

And the sad, ugly fake bronz-y handles ~which were falling off~ weren't helping things any.

Can't you just hear the dresser? Crying out in angst: "Oh save me! Save me please from this life as ugly boring utilitarian storage device! I want to be pretty! So pretty!"

You can hear that right?

Of course you can.

So because of all the shapes & details & annoying stuff I spray painted this sucker  :)

And look! Ooooooo...

Isn't it pretty? (now for sake of full disclosure ~ it's actually really REALLY turquoise~ like really turquoise~ but it looks almost, um, subdued, in this photo. It's not subdued.Uh uh. Nope.)

See how the sad, fake bronze, falling off pulls are gone? And replaced by the lovely polished silver pulls?

And how the shiny turquoise brings OUT the details of the piece instead of them just being lost in the brown-ness?

Ahhh, yes. A happy dresser. A colorful dresser. A turquoise dresser.

What every piece of furniture aspires to be.


Saturday, August 3, 2013

Garden Update: July

Every morning my 7 year old wakes up & the first thing he wants to do is go to the garden.

He & his little brother grab the baskets & the scissors, climb the fence & head out.

The 4 year old is in charge of fresh flowers from the cutting garden.

They both hunt for ripe tomatoes & bell peppers.

The broccoli  & kale finally gave in to the heat.

The onions are all picked & just a few carrots & beets are left.

We get cucumbers, tomatoes & peppers every morning.

We planted another 4 rows of sweet corn & the popcorn is almost ready.

The pumpkins are continuing to grow, GROW GROW.

The grapes are ripe now & sweet & juicy.

I have put up corn & salsa so far. Almost ready to do the first batch of tomato sauce.

Happy sigh.

Lots of empty rows that need to be replanted. We reseeded some with marigolds to keep the bugs away.


Mini pumpkins, bird house gourds, cucumbers & morning glories on the vine house.

Cutting flowers.

See the hummingbird?  :)


Morning glories. My favorite flower. I have planted these every year since I was a very little girl.

Yummy grapes.

The kids each carved their names in some of the pumpkins. As they grow the words grow with them.

The pumpkin & corn jungle.

Yesterdays pickings.

Remember the shady spot to rest & relax? Well...the pumpkins *may* have sort of , just a little bit...taken over...
