Saturday, June 27, 2015

What really happened this week?

The Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage is all over the news, all over social media, all over  everywhere.

And people's opinions run the gamut from happy to angry to everything in between.

Most folks seem to think it was either a great victory for equality or a great loss for morality.

But no one seems to understand what really happened.

The Supreme Court this week didn't strike a blow to morality.

 They didn't stand up for equal rights.

What the Supreme Court did this week was to take a giant chunk out of  our Constitutional Rights & bring us one step closer to losing the freedom that this country was founded on.

Oh she's just being silly. She's just mad because she doesn't agree with the ruling.

It shouldn't matter if you agree with the ruling or not, you should be APPALLED at the usurpation of our rights.

Someone actually made this comment on the subject: "the people have spoken" and that is just the problem.

The people did speak & vote & they were told essentially "shut up & sit down. We know better than you."

You see, over the last few years, each state has voted on the gay marriage issue. And, the over whelming majority of the states voted "no."

That should be the end of the story right there because this is, first & foremost, a states rights issue.

But the Supreme Court decided that the individual states of this great country are children.

Children who do not know what they really want  & who need a big strong grown up (like the Federal Government) to tell them what to do for their own good.

What happened this week was about undermining states rights

What happened this week was about taking away our ability to decide what & how & when we want to live.

What happened this week was that this great country took a giant step backwards from a republic (and we are indeed a republic people NOT a democracy) & back towards being a monarchy.

What happened this week was that the Supreme Court set a precedent.

A precedent that the Federal Government has the RIGHT to over rule States Rights & the RIGHTS of THE PEOPLE.

What happened this week was that we were so busy worrying about which side we were on, the Supreme Court screwed us all.

You may say, I don't care. I still like the decision, so I'm okay with all of it.

What happens when you don't agree with the decision?

What happens when it sets a precedent that infringes on YOUR rights?

 What happens when you remember that you are an American & you have certain inalienable rights which you wish to practice but OOPS!  the Supreme Court decided you really didn't want those rights even though you said you did...

What happened this week was indeed historic but not in the way so many seem to think.

I'll just close with this:


And one thing is abundantly clear in today's America, we have forgotten our past.


Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Will you do whatever it takes?

So I don't get it...

What  is up with the intense hatred of MLMs? I mean some people treat them like they are pure evil.

I get not liking being ‘sold’ to.

 I get not wanting to sell.

 I even get thinking some of them ARE pure evil. 

But let’s not throw out the baby with the bath water...

I have several friends who could benefit greatly from Plexus products. These products could be the missing link in their quest for better health just as they were for my husband.

 But because they are sold thru network marketing they will not even consider trying them.

Now if they were on the shelf at Walmart or the HFS -for 3 times the price to pay for the marketing & shelf space- they would try them, love them & tell ALL of their friends about them.

But because it is an MLM they won’t even give the products a second look.

Now I totally get that there are some skeezy MLM companies out there. 

I mean there are some weird ones. 

But there are also some good ones. Some that are on the up & up & some that have flat awesome products.

I don’t personally know ANYBODY who is living the life styles of the rich & famous from selling Norwex or Pampered Chef but that doesn’t make the products less worthwhile. 

Both of those companies have great products that I love to use in my home. And I have ZERO problems buying them from & benefiting my friends over buying them from Walmart!

I just don’t get completely discounting something that could HELP you. 

Completely ignoring the positive results that your friends are having. 

Burying your head in the sand about supplements that could turn your health around. 

All the while researching & asking questions & looking for answers to health issues that are the very same issues your friends are finding relief from using ~ gasp~ MLM products.

I don’t get it.

 I know that when my husband was so sick & we couldn’t find  answers I was THRILLED when someone dangled a possible answer in front of me. 

We tried doctor after doctor, test after test, herbs, homeopathy, diet ~ pretty much everything we or anybody else could think of. 

And when a friend suggested these great products from an MLM   ~OHMYGOSH!~  I could not wait to get him on them. 

And guess what? THEY were the missing link.

So what if I had pulled the “I hate MLMs” number?

My husband would still be non-functional. 

He’d be on disability.

 I’d have some crappy job.

 I’d never see my kids.

 Our lives would suck.

 All because of foolish pride.

Praise the Lord I tried those MLM products.

They saved my family.

So no. 

I just don’t get the refusal to try something ANYTHING that might help you.

I would have bought off a drug dealer on a street corner if I thought it would have helped my husband.

So I just can’t really believe that people are serious about getting their health back if they are not willing to try WHATEVER it might take...

 EVEN if that happens to come from a Network Marketing company.

Just something to think on.


Friday, June 12, 2015

Mustang Mania Part 4: Brian Neubert Clinic

My son has been diligently working away with his mustang. 

Slowly but surely he had advanced to being able to touch him all over with a pole. Put his halter & 

lead rope on & off. And lead him. Doesn't seem like much but it was progress.

Then, last week, something amazing happened.

Due to the unending generosity of old friends, my son was able to take Little Joe to a Brian Neubert Clinic.

Now, if you aren't familiar with Brian, Google him.

He's an amazing horseman who was trained by the Dorrance brothers & worked with Ray Hunt.

If you are familiar with the horse world at all you recognize those names!

The clinic was 5 days of intense colt starting techniques.

The kids & I drove down to watch on the last day & I was thrilled with his progress!

WARNING: this blog post may be a little photo heavy...

He didn't lead like this & neither one of them had the confidence in each other that they show here before the clinic...

Scary car wash type tarp strips ~ easy peasy!

Scary blue tarp monster? No problem!

Loud, clompy wooden bridge? I got this.

Bringing in the cows for the horsemanship part of the clinic.

Mr. Calm Cool & Collected

The man himself  Brian Neubert

NJ doing Brian a favor by holding his horse.

LOOK!!! He's saddled!

Other attendees working cows.


Hooked on & following his boy...

Watching the cow work.

Before the clinic Joe was terrified of cowboy hats. He wouldn't come near you if you were wearing one. Now he's a stylish hat wearing dude.


Brian working with our friends horse.

That scary blue tarp monster has nothing on me...

Look at that folks! He's riding!

Brian brought the boys out to do some cow work & pet the Hereford. Her name was April.

I had waited weeks & weeks to get my hands on Joe & I finally got my chance!

Brian teaching Joe about the wonders of grain...clearly his horse was already well acquainted with it.

NJ finally got to give Joe some love too.

The whole clinic was am amazing experience & it fast forwarded Joe's training schedule by leaps & bounds.

If you ever have the opportunity to attend one of Brian's clinic don't miss it!
