Thursday, December 31, 2009

Jungle Jammies

I had about a yard of flannel  left over from making The Biscuit's quilt. So I decided to make The Little Man some jammie pants.

Jammie pants are one of the easiest things to sew. Even if you don't sew much, you can whip these puppies out in a few hours. Just find a "Simplicity" pattern in the size you need.

These came out so cute that I want to make some for the whole family. I even found a coupon for 50% off ~~woo hoo~~

So the next time I drag myself into town I'm hoping to buy enough to outfit the whole fam. And I will definitely take pics!

But for now: The Little Man and his Jungle Jammies


Isn't he just the cutest?


Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

Happy Christmas to all & to all a good night.


For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. 

Isa 9:6


Monday, December 21, 2009

Count Your Blessings

It's that time of year.

House fires.

My friend became a statistic yesterday. Her home burned to the ground in a fire started by Christmas tree lights.

Her husband left early in the morning for work & everything was fine. They were just getting up, about 7, when they noticed the fire. It started in the living room & the 3 year was asleep on the couch. My friend ran in, grabbed him, ran back down the hall & shoved everybody out a window. In just that time the whole house was in flames.

They have 6 children but the 2 oldest boys weren't home. She had her 16 yr old, 9 yr old, 3 yr old & 8 mth baby.

Praise God they got out. They even got their dogs. They lost everything else.

They didn't have shoes or coats.

Our community has already rallied around them. They have been given clothes, shoes, food & cash.

She said the flames were still burning & people were making calls to find them clothes.

Two local farmers have offered them housing until they can rebuild.

God shows himself in such amazing ways.

This just hit so close to home for me. A house fire is one of my biggest fears

Would I be able to get everyone out?

What would we do? Where would we go?

Such frightening thoughts. But the truth is, we are totally dependant on God. He will see us through. He is our rock & our salvation.

Praise him for his kindness & mercy.

I am praising Him today  so thankful that they all are safe & sound.


Friday, December 18, 2009

Christmas Projects

Yesterday we finally went shopping for the fabric to make The Biscuits quilt. It is going to be his Christmas present.

I went into the shop with an idea of what I wanted. I had the panel for the center & needed to find co-ordinating fabric to finish the top & something for the back.

I was thinking real traditional. Maybe green & brown gingham. Maybe a little cow print. I even had some in my cart. Then....

We found these great jungle prints & the cutest flannel with jungle animals on it. So my traditional quilt went out the window & this what I finished up this morning.


Close up of the panel

The back piece



What do you think? I am pleased. It is totally different than I had planned but I like the jungle theme.

And to go with our jungle theme, here are the hats & scarves I made for The Biscuit & The Little Man

These were so easy. And a total after-thought. The Little Man liked this fabric so I bought 1/2 a yard thinking I could make him a scarf. The scarves are no-sew. You just cut them out of fleece. I still had a good sized piece of fabric left so I started brain storming. I dug thru the kids stuff & found a fleece hat with the fringes & figured out how they made it. It was just panels sewn together with the fringed top & they just gathered it together at the top with a loop of fleece. Duh. I can do that. So I did. Out of 1/2 yard ($2.49) I got 2 scarves & 2 hats which I have put away for Christmas.

Altogether they may have taken 10 minutes total. Love, love, love when the Lord gives me inspiration! My daughter & I are thinking of sneaking back to the fabric store & buying more fleece to make a scarf & hat for each of the older boys & a scarf for Dad. (He's not a big hat fella)

Although going to the fabric store is always dangerous. You never know what projects I can think up while staring down all those racks of calico...


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Dog Sled

The Little Man came up with this all by himself. He got the "sled", he got the rope & he "hitched" her up. He just needed a little help to entice her to go .

I love my boys.


Friday, December 11, 2009

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Gingerbread Village

We made a gingerbread village yesterday.

Yes, I cheated. In the interest of sanity I bought a "kit". We just, assembled, frosted & decorated.

Everyone made their own (except The Biscuit ) & we had fun doing it.

It is one of our Christmas traditions & I have to admit it gets more enjoyable as the kids get older .

So, without further ado: Our gingerbread village


Sunday, December 6, 2009

Bake Sale

Our church is raising money to drill a well in Africa.

We have a missionary family in Zambia who is collecting funds to drill wells for villages.

Most people in this country take clean water for granted but it is a luxury many people do not have.

It takes $2500 dollars to drill a well that will provide water for 20 families.

So today we had a Bake Sale. All of the Sunday School children brought goodies & during our 'coffee hour' (between Sunday School & Church) we held our sale.

We sold out of every thing. At the end of the day there were 2 cupcakes & a couple pieces of fudge left. Everything else was gone.

We made over $100! Woo Hoo. That is 1/15 of a well.

Not bad for a small, rural church in 1 day.

And it was fun, too!


Friday, December 4, 2009

Burnin' down the house

I woke up at 5 am this morning to my house full of smoke (and NO my smoke alarm did NOT go off )

I stumbled down the hall, fully expecting to find the living room ablaze, but all the smoke was coming from the kitchen.

There was black, acrid smoke pouring out from the pot on the stove.

I turned off the burner & pulled off the lid. The contents were black & smoking.

By this time my 13 yr old had come out to help. He turned on the ceiling fan in the living room.

I took the whole pot outside & set it on the walkway.

We opened the windows in the kitchen & double checked everything.

Then we retreated to the least smokey bedroom and shut the door.

The Little Man slept thru the whole thing. My daughter had The Biscuit & was trying to shield him from the smoke.

I never did get back to sleep.

What did I burn you ask?

The canner pot full of turkey broth. I had been cooking it down for the last few days. Last night before bed I filled the pot again & set on the stove on low.

I know it was on low & I double checked before bed. It was still on low when I turned off the burner.

So I am a little freaked out because the burner (electric stove) must be malfunctioning & I can't help but do the "what if?"  thing.

What if we hadn't been home?

What if I hadn't woken up?

What if? What if?

My throat hurts from all the smoke. My house stinks.

I am so amazingly thankful for the Lord's protection.

And the fact that we are safe & still have a roof over heads on this 12* morning.


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Limited Edition

Today we drove down to California to pick up this

Limited Edition. (Edie to her friends )

A 16 year old, registered Haflinger mare. And my new horse!!!

She rides. She drives. She is gorgeous, gentle & friendly.

The children can all ride her.

She can pull my wagon.

I am so stinkin' excited I can hardly stand it .

My husband is THE BEST.

