Monday, January 28, 2013

Pommes Frites

We had a long day playing in the snow today & good hot comfort food sounded great for dinner.

What better than pommes frites right?

Say what, you say?

Oh alright. French Fries.

But don't they just sound so much more accomplished as pommes frites?

(You do understand that once it hits the hot fat it is no longer a vegetable right?)

My ultra, uber cheap mandolin (that isn't even mine. I borrowed it from the church kitchen to see if I liked it. I like it :) )

Dinner just isn't dinner if you don't cut yourself...

I was waiting for a picture of the basket overflowing with lovely, golden brown fries family kept eating them. Sigh.

Add a dusting of lovely pink salt & you are good to go!

(and yes, we had actual food with these. Pork chops & spinach salad if you must know.)

And just for fun we will close with a popular bumper sticker here in rice country:

"Eat rice. Potatoes make your butt big."


Monday, January 21, 2013

Snow Day

I love snow.

I adore snow.

Snow is my love language.

So, for my birthday, we loaded up the kids, sleds & snowshoes & headed north.

I desperately miss walking out my door into that beautiful sparkly white stuff but at least we have it within driving distance.

Ready to the hit the trail.

I love snow. Sigh.

Wascally wabbit twacks.


Pretty sunny day.

Hi! :)

We found a nice, sunny meadow & built a snowman.
A big snowman. PUSH!

One, two, three uuuupppp!

Dad! Help!

It just took some muscle...

The little boys & I recently read a book called "A Stranger in the Woods" about children who build a snowman in the woods & decorate it with edible treats for the woodland animals. We decided we wanted to do that too. So we took carrots, raisins, bird seed, & grain a made a snowman for the animals.

Isn't he cute? ;)

After our snowman, we hiked some more & then sledded until it was getting dark. Then we loaded up & headed to the Green Barn for steaks. Yum!



Tuesday, January 15, 2013


My baby turned 4 yesterday.

(And yes. I am in total denial.)

We promised a trip to the zoo for his birthday present.

It was delayed due to health issues & we ended up going without Daddy (again with the health issues) but we made it & we had fun.

Here's my birthday bub with his Noah's Ark cake.

Here's the Zoo Crew.

I love these :)

Crocodile wraslin'

Red Panda. Isn't he cute?

I love giraffes. :)

The world's most adorable 4 year old.

I thought I saw a puddy tat...

Catchin' a ride...

Ridin' a frog...

Brotherly love.

...when along came a spider...

Aren't we cute?

Okay. That right there ^  is adorable.  :)

I like this one ;)

We had a great day. No one puked. No one had a melt down. No one got hurt. No one got lost. It was a good day.

Happy birthday to my littlest bub.


Monday, January 7, 2013


The last time I had clear sight, without the aid of corrective lenses, I was 12.

For the next few years my sight got progressively worse while I staunchly refused that I had a problem, refused glasses & my world grew dimmer & fuzzier.

At 15 I got contacts. The doctor wanted to know how I had avoided walking into a bus, my vision was so bad  ;)

I wore contacts of one type or another for the next 30 years  :P

The last year or 2 I finally had to give in a wear my glasses more & more as my contacts became almost unbearable after just a few hours.

As I aged, I also got to the point where I really needed bifocals of some kind, but again, refused to admit it.

Yes, I know. I have issues :)


We finally reached a point where our insurance & our pocketbook allowed for us to look into LASIK.

My husband & I are both candidates for the surgery.

We (& by we I mean he) decided that since my vision is the worst & it would truly be life changing for me, that I should have it done first.

So...last Friday I was scheduled to have surgery at 12:15.

Now, there are 2 types of surgery LASIK & PRK. They do essentially the same thing ~ correct your vision ~ but LASIK has a much faster ,easier recovery time than PRK.

Because of my ridiculously high prescription & my relatively thin corneas there was a possibility that PRK would be better suited for me LASIK but they really wouldn't know for sure until I was under the laser so to speak.

So Friday we showed up for my appointment at noon.

They were having some delays & suggested we come back in a few hours.

We did some errands & had some lunch & went back.

They took me in the back, did some measurements & were ready to give my a mild sedative when they came in to say...

...there were issues with the laser.


NOT what I wanted to hear.

The laser was not calibrating as well as they would like.

Now technically they could still perform the surgery but the doctor was not comfortable using it at less than 100% (good GOOD doctor)

They had another laser in a different city an hour or so away & they were sending for it. It would take about 2 hours to get it there & set it up & there was one person ahead of me so we were looking at 3 hours or 6 pm until I could get my surgery.


Now here's where I can't figure out is this just the Enemy messing with my mind? Or is this the Lord saying "DON'T DO THIS"...


Well. After a pep talk from husband we went back at 6.

They took me back. Fixed me up with some Valium. Gave me some Super Fly surgical booties & hair net & took away my glasses!

They led me down the halls into the recesses of the dark empty office & then they open up the door to the surgery.

Here's where it gets weird.

The door opens into this little room SUPER brightly lit & full of sci-fi laser machines & guys in full surgical scrubs.

You lay down on the bed, they get you all squared away, show you the lasers & where you are supposed to look & then the doctor shows up.

They stick this thing in your eyeball, put you under the laser, the lights start blinking & all of the sudden the doctor says "Cutting your flaps now!"  GAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!

Then you switch to the other laser, they stick a different thing in your eye & then you stare at the red light & all of the sudden you can smell it lasering your eye!

It smells like burning hair <<shudder>>

The freaky deaky weirdest part of the whole deal?

You are awake & your eyes are open & you can SEE what is happening to your eyes.

Oh. My.

After only like 10 minutes you are all. done.


They help you up. You go back to a little room. The doctor checks that everything is all good. You get these lovely plastic shields to protect your eyes. Some government issues wrap around dark glasses, a little Valium for the road & you are on your way.

None of it actually hurts. It is just really, really uncomfortable.

That night my eyes were very irritated. Much more uncomfortable then I was expected. And they teared constantly. I ended up taking the Valium & after that I was able to fall asleep.

I slept thru the night & when I woke up my eyes didn't hurt & I COULD SEE!!!! (cue the Hallelujah chorus)

At my check up the next morning my vision ~ while not crisp & clear yet~ was 20/20!!!! With NO corrective lenses~ just me & my eyeballs :)

It's been 3 days now. My vision is still not super crisp (think hazy) but that should clear up in a few days.

I have to be careful not rub my eyes. I sleep with the plastic shields on. And I take about 3 million eye drops a day. But  I CAN SEE!!!

Did I mention that I can see?

I am so thrilled. And thankful. And excited. And thrilled. And happy. And thankful. (do you sense a theme here?)

Each morning I wake up & automatically reach for my glasses & I don't need them anymore. :)

They are locked away in a drawer :)

My husband is super jealous ;) & he will be getting his done in a few months as soon as we pay off mine.

I can't even begin to truly convey to you how amazing it is to be given the gift of sight after such a long time.
To not be dependent on glasses or contacts. To not be vulnerable.

It is amazing.

Praise the Lord.

I am so thankful that we found such a super doctor & staff to help us through all of this.

We used Dr. Reeve at the Reeve-Woods Eye Center in Chico.

Valerie is the coordinator & she walked us thru the whole process. I cannot recommend them enough.

They were awesome.

Oh! I almost forgot! Because of having to send for the new, upgraded laser, they were able to cut a thinner flap & do the LASIK on me!

So you see? It was the Lord looking out for me all along!


Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Yesterday evening we were lamenting not having a fire pit to have a little bonfire during our party.

My son disappeared into his garage & 20 minutes later ~ 20 MINUTES  people~ we had this.

I know you are so stinkin' jealous you could just spit (if it weren't so unladylike that this)

And you just wish you had a boy like mine.


"he was filled with wisdom and understanding and skill in working with all kinds of bronze work"
1 Kings 17:14b
