Thursday, November 6, 2014


So, yeah. It's been a coon's age since I blogged.

Well, 2 months actually.

(not technically sure exactly how long a coon's age is...)

But! I have reasons.

No really,

First my computer died. Sigh.

Yes. My beloved "Pinky" gave up the ghost. And all of my files, & photos, & downloads, & links & passwords & everything.

It sucketh. Verily.

And then...we moved. The longest, hardest, saddest, happiest, most painfully exhausting move ever.

We moved home.

Back to our tiny little abused homestead in Southern Oregon.

Which needed to be cleaned & painted from top to bottom of every room. Every barn. It seems like every square inch of every acre. Sigh.

We couldn't bring up anything or anyone without first tearing down whatever was left of where it used to go & rebuilding/refencing/resomething before we could actually do anything with it.

It was really obnoxious.

And tiring.

And saying goodbye to our California friends was the most gut wrenching heart stomping experience ever. I can't tell you how much I cried.

But, at last. We are here.

And sort of kind of mostly maybe unpacked...

It's been a lovely crisp, cool, beautiful fall here.

We wear sweatshirts & use down blankets & have's awesome.

And the beauty here...oh my the beauty here.

It' s good for my soul.

I just look & look & look & my eyes drink it all in.

We are still (and will be for a very long time) redoing fencing & repairing barns & replacing pipes & painting & whatever else we can get to before everything freezes.

It's going to be awhile before our homestead is back to what it was.

But we will get it back.

We will.

And tomorrow we have a very special birthday coming.

Somebody is turning 18... (nope, not me)

Stay tuned.


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