Saturday, April 28, 2012

Gold Nuggets Days

We got to indulge our inner Geek today.

With costumes & everything. (Well, for the kids anyway).

We drove up to "Paradise" for the Gold Nugget Days.

We watched the Donkey Derby & spent the day wandering about the museum & the 'tent city' & just enjoying the beautiful day.

They had many hands on areas where the kids could get a taste of life in the 1850's in a mining town.

We had a nice chat with the undertaker, washed some clothes on the scrub board, panned for 'gems' & had a jolly good time all the way around.

And we ended the day with ice cream.

Jealous? :)

Cute boys & a donkey friend.


One well protected bark hut...

My daughter & the world's cutest boy baby ;)

Is this gold?

Trying on the coffin for size...

Washing day!

Pretty girl.

Panning for 'gold'.

I am particularly fond of the 'angle' of this shot... ;)

Look what I found Mom!

Taking a nap after a long day.

Our partners in crime 'The Ziggy's'


1 comment:

  1. I'm pretty sure my giggling as I scroll through these pictures is keeping "Red" up. Totally worth it! PS, I actually like that picture of me! The other fellows in it aren't too bad either
