Monday, June 30, 2008

Simple Woman's Daybook

Outside My Window...  The sky is hazy & gray with smoke from the many fires burning south of us

I am thinking... That I have not done a daybook in ages

I am thankful for...  air conditioning

From the kitchen... my toast just popped up

I am creating... plans for the day

 I am going... to take my daughter to piano lessons today

 I am wearing... shhhh! my p.j.s, consisting of my husbands shirt & old shorts

I am reading... I just finished the Beany Malone Series for maybe the 20th time

I am hoping... to get my new roses planted today

I am hearing... The Little Man asking his daddy for toast

 Around the house... is mostly quiet. The "olders" are still sleeping

One of my favorite things... Sandhill cranes

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week:

go to the feedstore

catch up on laundry mountain

celebrate the birth of my country

Here is a picture thought I am sharing...

Come join the fun with Peggy at


1 comment:

  1. Do ALL children drag their feet at math? Must be.

    The picture is beautiful!! Not only are the flowers beautiful, but it's a great pic of them.

    Thanks for sharing,

