Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A FREE Piano

Yes, that's what I said, a free piano.

A few days back a friend of ours called and asked if we wanted a piano.  A lady she cleans for had a piano she was trying to get rid of. She had even gone so far as to call to find out how much it would cost to have it hauled to the dump

We called and went to look at it that night. One of the legs needs repairing, the music stand had been broken off and it needs tuning. Two of the keys are "clinkers" but the overall it sounds beautiful. Truly amazing for a piano that hasn't been tuned since 1975!

So of course we said "Yes". My husband spent the last week trying to figure out how one moves a piano and whom does one get to help you? Did you know there is such a thing as a piano dolly? Nifty little invention. With the help of our pastor, his stock trailer, a neighbor and our son, they got it moved with no major drama. Praise the Lord!

The next major hurdle was where to put the thing. We have a small house (less than 1000sft) and our living room is rather unusual in that it lacks any solid walls. It has 2 picture windows, a wall of built in shelves, a woodstove and 4 (yes, 4) doorways.  Which is all why we bought our daughter an electric piano in the first place.

But how do you pass up a free piano? So it is here. The entire living room has been turned topsy-turvy. I still haven't figured out where to put the rocking chair and it is exiled to the bedroom. The poor piano is parked on an outside wall in front of one of the picture windows. The worst possible place for a piano. But, the only place available.

I've done a few cosmetic repairs to it and we hope to have the tuner out next week. Our daughter is ecstatic and constantly sits down to play fake "lounge" music . I've done a little research online. It is a Bradbury, which is a fairly well known  brand. It was made between 1935 & 1940. The people we got it from brought it out to Oregon from Kansas and it had belonged to the husbands grandmother. So now you know all about our free piano.



  1. Your piano looks very pretty!

    Congratulations on finding a piano. I have been trying to find one.


  2. OH what a wonderful gift... You are a lucky women...

    god bless


  3. Congrats on the FREE piano! How wonderful. It is really pretty!

    God's Blessings,

    Amy Jo

  4. That's a great friend ! Holly
