Sunday, March 30, 2008


Late Friday night, after being on the road for 5 long, lonely days, my husband came home!  And he was bearing gifts! Look at what he brought me:Aren't they gorgeous? And they were a total surprise! He also brought me several items in this bag:But seeing as this a family blog, I won't share any more about that . Let's just say I was VERY glad to have him home

Our oldest son finally made it home for a visit! He got here late Thursday night and just left today after church. It was a very nice visit and for that I am thankful. We all went target shooting yesterday. All the pics of that are on my sons camera so if he ever shares them, I will too . He and my husband had a "marksmen" contest that was fun to watch. My husband won of course! But there was lots of laughter. Here is a pic of us today after church

Isn't he tall and handsome?



  1. LKS you do not look old enough!

  2. What a sweet family! and a sweet hubby for those fabulous boots!


  3. I LOVE the boots...

    your family is a good lookin' bunch, too.
