Monday, February 11, 2008

How to cook more with less

I was looking at the contest urbanhome  has on her blog. She is looking for examples of how we can cook more meals using less food. I haven't entered the contest but it got me thinking. The easiest way I know to do this is to get at least 3 meals from every large cut of meat you cook.  And no this does not mean endless nights of left-overs. Here is a sample of what we do at our house.

Day 1: Bake a ham. Have ham, potatoes and veggies for dinner.

Day 2: Make omelet with chopped ham, cheese and veggies.

Day 3: Boil down ham bone, soak dried beans to make ham & bean soup.

With us we usually have plenty of ham for sandwiches as well. By using the bone you make a healthy delicious meal out of something that is usually thrown away. You can do this with almost any meat. Chicken bones can be boiled down to make stock which can be used in any number of recipes. I like to cook roasts in the crockpot. After I remove the roast I add water to the drippings and whatever meat scraps are left from the roast. Add some spices and veggies and you have easy, yummy soup. Again from what you would normally throw away. I think in this country we have so much we don't think about how to use less. My husband and I have learned how to be very frugal over the years so that we could eat well without spending a lot. Which is good because we don't usually have a lot to spend. So how do you cook more with less?

1 comment:

  1. We do the same things you mentioned. I also like to stretch out a bag of beans. Bean soup 1st night, 2nd night refried beans (as side or as burritos) then whatever is left can be made into chili or frozen for later.
