Thursday, February 28, 2008

Cadbury Eggs

Cadbury eggs are one of our all time favorites candies. The entire family adores these. We have spent major money on these over the years. One year my husband bought an entire box. Not the little boxes they sell to customers but the BIG box that they come to the store in. It had like 50 eggs in it. That was a good year   Recently we made the discovery of the recipe for these fabulous candies. Oh happy day! So today we made homemade Cadbury Eggs. MMMMMgood. Shall I share it with you? Say pretty please......okay!

1/2 c light corn syrup

1/4 c butter, softened

1 tsp vanilla

1/4 tsp salt

3 c powdered sugar

 1 12 oz bag milk choc chips

1. Combine corn syrup, butter, vanilla, &salt. Beat until smooth.

2. add powdered sugar, one cup at a time. Mix until creamy.

Now, is where in the recipe you are supposed to seperate out the filling & color some yellow to be the yolk & leave some white to be the whites but we skip this step. It tastes just as yummy without all the fuss.

4. Cover mixture & refrigerate until firm, about 2 hours.

5. When firm roll mixture into balls & shape like egg. Refrigerate for 3-4 hours or until firm.

6. Microwave chocolate chips on high for 1 minute, stir & microwave again for 30 sec.

7. Use a fork to dip each center into the chocolate, tap off excess, then place on wax paper. Chill.

8. After 1-2 hours dip each once more & chill until firm

Makes 2 doz candy eggs

Candy centers rolled & ready for dipping.

Dipping the centers.

The finished product.

Happy candy maker.

We found the recipe on



  1. My favorite too!!!



  2. Wow, these look yummy!!!! Thanks for shraing the recipe and pictures!!

    God's Blessings,

    Amy Jo

  3. I have never tried Cadbury eggs. That is really neat that you found a recipe for them. Thank you for sharing!

    They look delicious!


  4. My DD is going to LOVE trying this recipe. She is 17 and looks forward to Easter every year so she can get Cadbury eggs!

    Thanks for posting!

    Amanda <><

    II Corinthians 5:7

  5. Oh thank you for this! My Hubby LOVES these, but we can't even find them any more. All we ever find is the Cadbury caramel ones, never the cream ones. I'll definately be trying this recipe out. Thanks again!
