Monday, January 28, 2008

Visiting Daddy

My husband left on Tuesday for a business trip. He will not be home until this Wednesday. Do the math; that is 8 long days and nights without Daddy. So on Saturday when we had the chance to drive down to where Daddy was we jumped at it. We drove 4 hours through wind and snow and rain to spend Saturday afternoon and night with Daddy and turn around and drive 4 hours through wind and snow and rain to come home Sunday. That was 8 hours of driving for about 20 hours with Daddy. Was it worth it? You bet. Several of those hours the kids were asleep.

1 comment:

  1. How sweet to drive all that way to see hubby!! I bet the kids enjoyed it and it helps the time go by quicker!!!

    God's Blessings,

    Amy Jo
