Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Snow Storm

We had quite the storm last night. 

Over a foot of snow.

It's normal for us to have a couple feet of snow in the winter BUT we don't normally get it a foot at a time.

So today was pretty muchly spent de-snowing.

We got to hand dig out 4 gates plus the doorways to the shop, pump house, and tack shed.

Plus hauling feed in the sled.

We were able to get the tractor started & spent a few hours plowing the driveway.

...and about an hour pulling the tractor out of the ditch it got stuck in.

I think we may have even liberated the Toyota - no easy task.

We shoveled the snow off the roof of the camp trailer.

We hauled straw & gave everybody extra bedding because it's supposed to get down around 6 below tonight.

My whole body hurts but at least I got to spend the day in the snow :)

Snow kitty on the loose.


Snow dogs.

Just keep swimming... just keep swimming...

Annnnddd... there's more snow in the forecast!


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