Monday, January 28, 2013

Pommes Frites

We had a long day playing in the snow today & good hot comfort food sounded great for dinner.

What better than pommes frites right?

Say what, you say?

Oh alright. French Fries.

But don't they just sound so much more accomplished as pommes frites?

(You do understand that once it hits the hot fat it is no longer a vegetable right?)

My ultra, uber cheap mandolin (that isn't even mine. I borrowed it from the church kitchen to see if I liked it. I like it :) )

Dinner just isn't dinner if you don't cut yourself...

I was waiting for a picture of the basket overflowing with lovely, golden brown fries family kept eating them. Sigh.

Add a dusting of lovely pink salt & you are good to go!

(and yes, we had actual food with these. Pork chops & spinach salad if you must know.)

And just for fun we will close with a popular bumper sticker here in rice country:

"Eat rice. Potatoes make your butt big."



  1. Haha! Your rice country statement reminds me of a story my dad told. He grew up literally dirt poor in North Carolina, and he remembers when the Rice-a-Roni commercials started, saying to take a break from potatoes...and he didn't understand because they always had rice!

    And I love homemade fries! What kind of oil did you use? I really like lard or tallow, but I don't always have that, so coconut oil is next best, IMO.

    Also, you really DO have to be careful of those mandolins! I've cut myself more times than I can count, and sliced off a portion of my pinkie finger, as well. :P

    1. We usually use bacon grease or coconut oil.
