My garden bit the big one this year, so I had practically NO veggies to put up. I did get some zucchini "gifted" to me that we froze & there is one row of carrots waiting to be pulled & frozen. But our fruit has been abundant. As a matter of fact I am so sick of canning right now it's not even funny .
Today I put up apple butter & pears.
My feet hurt just looking at the jars.
So far our provisions include:
20 qts applesauce
3qts apple butter
11 pts apple butter
8 1/2pts apple butter
11 qts pears
11 pts plum jam
6 1/2pts plum jam
7 pts apricot jam
2 pts blackberry jam
3 1/2pts blackberry jam
9 qts apple pie filling
4 qts dried apples
3 gal bags dried apples
We still have lots & lots of apples so I think we will keep on drying & freezing pie filling.
The kids have been working right along side of me & they have been such a help. And hopefully, when they have families of their own, they will be able to pass on this knowledge. I learned it the hard way. Trial & error, totally on my own. And there wasn't even internet to turn to then!
I am tired & my feet hurt, but I am so thankful to the Lord for giving us this bounty. In a few months when there is snow on the ground & we can open a jar of summer fresh fruit to enjoy it will be totally worth it.