Tuesday, July 22, 2008

True Confessions....

I have a confession to make. This may be the worst garden I've  ever had. It's the pits. Entire rows did not come up. And of the things that did come up, something is  eating the broccolli. Here it is the end of July, and I have not harvested a single pea, green bean or tomato. SIGH.

We had a really wet and cold spring and our planting was delayed by several weeks. I was also feeling quite poorly at planting time and that didn't help. But I just don't understand how everything can be so pathetic??? The cukes and zukes have hardly  any growth to them. Only a few potatoes came up. The artichokes aren't growing. The peppers are tiny. The beans and peas and broccolli have apparently dedicated themselves to higher cause. It's depressing.

My husband keeps saying "that's farming." Some years you get a crop and some years you don't. Sigh. The last  several years we haven't had to buy any veggies over the winter. I was able to can, freeze or dry all that we needed. Unless folks start leaving veggie donations on my doorstep I just don't see that happening this year. I feel like such a failure. Isn't that silly? It would seem my entire self-worth is tied up in my ability to garden. What a goob.

Trying to look on the brighter side ( and failing miserably) it is looking like an excellent fruit year. The apple and plum trees are bursting with fruit. I'm just waiting for the call on the blackberries being ready. And I need to track down some peaches. In a few years, Lord willing, we will produce ALL of those here on our homestead. So we may not have any veggies but we should have lots of jam, apple cider, and peach cobbler this winter .


1 comment:

  1. YUMMMM!!! My favorite dessert!! I'll bring you a basket of veggies if you'll invite me for peach cobbler! ;)
