Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Busy Day

Whew! Busy, busy day today.

I took my son in for his yearly eye exam and to order new glasses. They are very nice there but sooooo pokey. It took forever. They kept offering to put in movies and hand out special toys to the other children and I am thinking "Just finish so we can leave!!!!!!" but I smiled and was nice  . Then we had to drop off milk to a customer and then it was time for PURGATORY. You may know it as Walmart. There is just something about that place. It saps all the joy right out of you. In "Created to be his help meet" Debi Pearl talks about sitting outside a Walmart counting all the women that went in smiling. I always thought that was unfair. I mean, come on, it's WALMART  

To make matters worse, I bought a bathing suit for our upcoming vacation. I wanted something modest and attractive. HAH! I did find something that I thought would work. I tried it on at home and the top portion does not, um, hold anything up if you know what I mean. The bottoms aren't too bad if I could just replace my thighs with some attractive ones   So I haven't figured out if I should just wear a sports bra under it or take it back. I will wait until my husband comes home and let him decide.

My husband is applying for a part-time pastor position at a small church. This could mean some major changes for our family. It is a little early to get all caught up in it but that is what I do best. Gung Ho, that's me. I mean how silly is it to get all wound up when the whole thing is in the Lord's hands? If He wills it will all work. If He doesn't will, it won't. It sounds so simple but the flesh is so complicated I think my husband would really like an opportunity like this so I am hoping for him.

I have ham and bean soup in the crockpot. I wish I had started bread this morning. Doesn't that sound good? Yummy bean soup and fresh bread? Oh well. Maybe I can talk my son into making his "signature" biscuits. It is time for chores, I better go.



  1. FruitfulVineof7SoFarMay 7, 2008 at 7:56 AM

    I am so glad you stopped by my blog with your sweet comment!! I really(I mean really) enjoyed reading your blog today! I found myself nodding my head with so many things you posted about!

    Thank you!

    Blessings, Jacque

    Walking Therein


  2. Loved your post...I didn't know what you meant about the Debi Pearl and Wal-Mart...did she mean...women go "in" smiling and come out "frowning"...anyway, just curious.

