Sunday, April 27, 2014

Purity Ball 2014

Just a few shots of the Belle of the Ball & her handsome escort.


Friday, April 25, 2014


Just a few shots around the 'farm'...

Pretty roses.

Orange blossoms & happy bees.

Birdhouse Gourd birdhouses :)

Animals enjoying the sunshine.

How is spring shaping up in your neck of the woods?


Thursday, April 24, 2014

Field Trip!

So this week in school we were learning about Father Serra & the California Missions.

Being that we do ~in fact~ live in California, guess what? We went to see a mission! ;)

Mission San Francisco Solano is the last & northern most of the 21 Missions built.

And guess what?

It's only 2 1/2 hours away so we piggy backed a field trip onto a work trip & we road tripped to Petaluma :)

Our first stop was the beach (cha!)

Happy sigh.

So pretty there.

Hey look! It's me!

There were, unfortunately, 2 problems with the beach that day. #1 - no dogs allowed. Major bummer :(
& #2 - the wind was ice cold & blowing like a freight train. It was picking up the sand & throwing at you so hard it was stinging!

So we didn't stay long at the beach. Sigh.

Next stop was the Petaluma Adobe which was general Vallejo's Ranch Headquarters.

No Pat no! Don't sit on that! (who can name that quote? C'mon. You know you know it!)

After the Adobe we went to the Mission which has such a pretty chapel. No where near as pretty as the chapel in Mission San Miguel which is my all time, very most favorite, chock full of childhood memories, mission but still very pretty :)

My husband made a special friend at the barracks. I'm pretty sure they are Facebook buddies now...

It was a good trip. We had lots of fun & learned lots of cool history. Had the best burger ever at Burger's & Vine in Sonoma (Seriously. Go there. Eat. Be happy.)

Sometimes living in California can be awesome.


Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Resurrection Day!

Happy Resurrection Day from my family to yours :)

(for those of you with OCD tendencies don't look at my necklace)

We've had a great day so far. We got up at 5 (yawn) & had an amazing sunrise service. The music was wonderful.

Afterwards our whole church went to IHOP for breakfast.

Then everybody went home, dressed up & came back for regular service.

The little boys & I made Resurrection Rolls when we got home.

Have you ever made those?

So simple. And so fun & such a great lesson.

It makes a wonderful Sunday School or Junior Church lesson.

The marshmallow represents Jesus's body. We dip it in the 'anointing oil' (butter) & 'burial spices'(cinnamon sugar) & wrap it in the 'linen cloths' (crescent roll).

Then it goes into the 'tomb' (oven)

and after 3 days & 3 nights (or 10 minutes)

You remove them, let them cool a few minutes and...

Hallelujah!!! He is risen! The tomb is empty!


Passover Seder

I'm a little late but wanted to share some  pictures of our Seder.

This year it fit right in  with our current study of Exodus.

And celebrating the Biblical feasts is such a great way to bring the Bible to life for your family.

Instead of it being just some boring, dry story you read to them, it becomes real, and full of meaning.

Finding & purging out the leaven.

Burning it.

Blowing of the Shofar.

Blessing the unleavened bread.

Our Seder plate.

Shalom everybody :)

Next year in Jerusalem.
