Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Denial: not a river in Egypt

Someone brought up the "P" word the other day.


At first it made me kind of mad. Because, you know, pyramids are illegal. But thanks for thinking so highly of me.

After a bit I just started to think about the irony & absolute hypocrisy that goes with this subject.

For some reason, the business that I am involved in, Plexus, strikes people as a 'pyramid' or right off the bat they start talking about how 'bad' Network Marketing is or the dreaded MLMs.

They will tell you right from the start they don't do business like that.

Really? So you have no Pampered Chef? Tupperware? Arbonne? Young Living or DoTerra?

Oh wait a minute...they are hemming hawing now.

Why yes, of course they have those products. And they have never had any sort of moral conviction about those companies.

But suddenly they don't support MLMs or they have a problem with Network Marketing.

If you have ever been involved with any sort of home based business or grass roots organization guess what? You were doing Network Marketing.

Because that is what you do when you don't want/can't afford to pay Walmart or Target to market your product for you.

You market it yourself. By word of mouth. By telling friends. By putting it on Facebook.

That is the smart way to get a business going.

When Donald Trump was asked recently what he would do if he had it to do all over again, his matter-of-fact, one-line reply was: "I would get into network marketing."

But the funniest thing to me is this: all these people who talk about "pyramid schemes" they have jobs right?

They have a boss, who has a boss, who has a manager, who has a supervisor, who reports to a Vice President, who reports to a President, who answers to a CEO who is the Top Dog over everybody & makes all the money.

Dang. That sounds like a pyramid scheme to me.

In my business, everybody has the same chance to get to be the Top Dog. In fact, my upline has surpassed 
her upline several times over already.

So tell me, in today's world, if you start out pumping gas what are the odds you can make it to CEO?

pssst. I think you work in a pyramid...

Here's the real kicker though, I have the chance to talk with people & share an amazing product which can impact their health in so many positive ways I can't even list them all. I'm not trying to sell you anything.

And I am most definitely not trying to twist your arm into joining my 'pyramid'

When someone really believes in something~ whether it is book or a supplement or a group or the best chocolate chip cookie recipe they ever made in their life~ they TELL people about it! They share because they are excited & want their friends to be excited too.

I'm not selling anything. But I am sharing.

If you want to improve your health ~ I can help with that!

If you want a chance to build a business around improving your health  & helping others improve their health ~ I can help with that!

If you want to sit on your couch & never do anything to improve your health or your finances ~ I cannot help with that! But I can smile & wave as I pass on by.


Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Praying for our kids...

Do you pray for your kids?

Of course you do, I mean what kind of silly question is that?

Everybody prays for their kids.

We pray for them to be healthy. We pray for them to be happy. We pray for them to be safe.

These are good things to pray for. Yes.

But what about other things? Things you may not be thinking about right now?

What about their future?

What about  the people in their future?

First & foremost we should pray for their salvation. From the time they are a tiny baby, before they are even born, we should pray that they will be saved.

That their name is in the Lamb's Book of Life.

That they will love the Lord & love His word & carry it within their hearts always.

First & foremost.

Then we should pray for their spouse.

Say what?

Yes. Their spouse.

No need to wait until they are 'of age' Or they actually bring someone home.

Nope. The time to pray is now. Over their crib. Every night after their bedtime story. All thru their lives.

Pray for the person they will marry. Pray for their salvation & their health & their safety.

Pray for their love of the Lord & for everyone to remain pure until the day the Lord brings them together in marriage.

Pray for all of these things now.  

Pray for their children. And their grandchildren. And their great-grandchildren.

Don't leave your family to chance.

Pray for them now. Pray for them always.

Be ahead of the game.

And how awesome to meet your child's bethrothed & be able to say "I have been praying for you your entire life."

Cover your family in prayer.

The family you know now, the family of your future, every single member.

We may not know who they are but the Lord does & He hears our prayers.

The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.  James 5:16


Monday, March 17, 2014

Magically Delicious

Happy St. Patrick's Day! :)

Or as my little boys call it "green day".

Why do they call it green day?

Well...we wear green, eat green, color green...we are very green.

I love any excuse for fun food, fun clothes, fun crafts & well, fun.

So we are having a 'traditional' St. Patrick's Day (for our family anyway)

In the weeks leading up to THE day we start making crafts

Decorating the house

We make our traditional   RAINBOW  cake.

And on St. Patty's morning we always have our green breakfast

(don't tell my kids, I used chlorophyll to dye their eggs & pancakes. Shhhhh....)

And we always have a few ~just for fun~ items for the day

Pot of Gold jars & new socks :)

We even have fun school projects

We always read the historical account of the REAL Patrick. He was no saint, just a kidnapped boy who loved the Lord & wanted to share His love with the people who enslaved him. Beautiful story.

Of course, St. Patty's wouldn't be St. Patty's without corned beef & cabbage so tonight we will dine at the American Legion Dinner on all the corned beef & cabbage we want. :)

So remember: It is easy being green!

Have fun. Taste the rainbow :)


Thursday, March 6, 2014

A Winning Smile

Today was a red letter day here.

Check this out!



(ignore the reflection on his glasses)

 The official "Befores"

His orthodontist even sent him home with a package of goodies  :)

Now he's off to eat steak, ribs, apples, caramels, toffee...


Saturday, March 1, 2014


Last weekend was our Awana Sparks-A-Rama.

All the local clubs get together & the Sparks (kindergarten thru 2nd grade) compete in all of their official Awana games.

Waiting for the whistle...

The Sparky Crawl. Quite possibly the funnest game to watch ever.

Sparky Safari (keep the bean bag on your head & be first to grab the pin)

Got the pin!

Sparky Train...

You go in for the pin!

Aaaarrggh. Second place.

Not this time! He got it!

Waiting for the balloon race.

The happy team :)
