Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Dutch ovens & other geeky pastimes...

It's no secret I am a geek.

I quite frequently share our geeky pursuits with y'all.

Greek tapes, donkey carts, lederhosen ....

Oh wait! The lederhosen wasn't us....never mind...;)

Anyway. We are dorks.

So it should be no surprise what I am about to confess...

As part of stocking our new trailer my husband fulfilled one of my long time dreams & bought me...a Dutch Oven.

So, in preparation for our maiden voyage next week, I have spent hours with my Dutch Oven Cookbook choosing our camp menu.

So far I have it narrowed down to Beef Stew the first night.

An Apple Cobbler the second night.

And Chicken & Rice the last night.

I have already decided that I need a second Dutch Oven in order to cook both a main dish and a dessert each night.

And maybe a third one for side dishes...hmmmmmmmm...

Dorky decisions, dorky decisions.

So, next week, after our trip to the North Coast, I will let y'all know how my foray into Dutch Oven cooking goes... :)


Saturday, August 18, 2012

Check this out...

We bought our own trailer!

This has been on my 'list' for, gosh, 10 years?

It's super cool.

It's a '99 & I think it's 24 ft?

It's in really good shape & clean & nice inside. It has a queen bed & 2 single bunkbeds & the table makes into a bed so everybody has a spot to sleep! :)

And we got a super deal on it & it came with all kinds of extras like the hitch & tow bars & sway bars...

We are taking it for it's maiden voyage in a few weeks.

 A small, adorable child wished he could go to the beach sooooo...

We are (hopefully, barring complications...) going to camp on the Northern California Coast for 3 days.

We also have reservations for Yosemite the first week in November!

We have been on a quest to stock our trailer so that it is always prepared for us to hitch up & go.

A friend, who was thinning out her linen closets, gifted us with pillows & blankets galore for all the beds.

Plus a few pots, pans & other items.

I also had a very successful trip to the Goodwill where I scored flatware, kitchen utensils, storage bowls, a brand new Lodge cast iron skillet, steak knives, butcher knives, a measure cup, colander, & a few other sundries.

My fabulous husband went on a minor shopping spree in Big R & bought everyone their own enamelware  plate, mug & bowl. And a big enamelware percolator & another pot for water & a grill for the fire & a griddle for the grill & we are just about all set ;)

So our project for the next few days is to load up, stock up, & find a place for everything.

We are pretty excited :)


Monday, August 6, 2012

Church Family Camp 2012

Last week we borrowed a trailer, packed up our dreck & headed north to Family Camp.

If you remember from last year, I was not happy with the campground.


Did I mention dirty?

So we did some research & found & different campground waaay further north (not hot), not crowded, not dry & not dusty.


It was a really nice campground run by a really nice lady who, by the way, is going to have open heart surgery soon so if you feel so led, say a prayer for Mrs. Friday :)

There was a creek for the kids to play in, grass for the dogs to run, trails close by & a super nice reservoir to fish & swim.

And no, no icky, nasty, red, volcanic dust.


We ate well, had good fellowship, a birthday party & of course s'mores.

So guess what?

I have pictures!!!


You're shocked right?



Here we go...


Adorable fishermen & their tasty catch...

 Check out the 'big one'...

The 'campsite'.

Happy dogs (we brought them inside at night so they didn't get eaten by the bears...)

Pretty girl

Smiley boy.

Nothing makes a 3 year old happier than...mud!

In person, this little guy was a bright, bright red.

Pretty, pretty scenery.

Wild black berries.

The master chef.

From the lake to the grill in less than an hour...YUM!

Wild raspberries.

More pretty scenery.

Majestic Mt. Shasta.

Seriously? Who could resist this face?

And while we were at camp my favorite 5 year old turned 6! So we had cake & ice cream & presents & a party! Fun!

The cake.

The "guests".

"Happy birthday to yoouuuuu..."

A cool dragon/dinosaur book ~ evolution free~ but what's that at the bottom of the bag???

Clifford!!! (look at that face~ that is a happy boy!)

So a good time was had by all, nobody was eaten by a bear, and me & mine were not covered in nasty red dust. 
