Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Are you ready for your close up?

And yes! Even more pretty pictures :)

 Christmas Candy.

A friendly elf


Brace yourselves. There will be more :)



I have never been able to do close ups. 
This is an ornament on my tree.
This picture makes me happy.


Monday, December 26, 2011


For most of my life I have been attempting to take 'artsy' photographs with crap cameras.

Starting all the way back in 1983 with my state of the art Kodak Disc Camera.

It was happening. But you couldn't do close ups. Or any form of zoom. Or...pretty much anything..other than point & shoot & hope you could actually recognize what was in the picture in the first place.

But that didn't stop me from taking dozens & dozens of photos of flowers, trees, the sky, landscapes etc.

I even managed to get a few good ones.

And then I moved on to various 35mm. None of them anything other than mass produced cheapos.

No zoom. No tele-photo. No nothings.

At the turn of century we went high tech & got our first digital camera. At the time it was pretty cool. But it didn't take long for it to be antiquated & out of date.

We upgraded to a newer more powerful digital with about twice as many pixels as the first one & this one actually had a zoom button.

But it was still pretty sad.

I have taken many, many pictures with it over the years. Including almost every one on this blog. I've taken many that I really, really, like.

Yet, I missed so many others. Long distance shots of the amazing wildlife in the high desert. The oh-so-sweet brand new baby feet photo I wanted so badly after my last was born. But my camera didn't do close ups & they were just fuzzy & indistinct :(

Knowing the desires of my heart my fabulous man gave me an Olympus E-PL1 for Christmas. Now for many of you with super duper uber cameras that still might seem pretty sad. But to me it is a life long dream.

At last, a grown up camera with lenses ~ did you catch that plural (meaning more than one)? With the ability to zoom in and do telephoto.

I am a very happy camper.

Now, it still doesn't have a mega-3-miles-away-flea-on-a-dogs-back telephoto but it is pretty awesome.

I spent about an hour today, outside, playing with the lenses & settings & seeing what that baby can do.

I am stoked.

I still have hours & hours of manual reading & practicing to do before I even scratch the surface of what it can do but I am so pleased with what I already can do I could just, just...blog to the world about it :)

And you know one of the top bestest things about digital verses film cameras? (besides the totally obvious)

I CAN take 400 practice shots & it doesn't cost me $100 in film ;)

So, just because I know y'all are just dying to see my pretty pictures...I have a few to share

                                                    (look Beci! My first ever 'sun flare'!)

                                                                (isn't this one pretty?)


Thursday, December 15, 2011

Give Away

Check  out my friend Em's soap give away. Her soap is awesome. Smells divine & is the best for scrubbing down dirty little boys :).



Friday, December 9, 2011

My Daddy

My daddy died this morning at 7:20.

Donald William Tschudin.

He was 82 years old.

He was born and raised in New Jersey.

He was a veteran of the Korean War. He never saw combat . He actually spent most of the war in Europe, something I always teased him about.

He had a massive stroke last Monday. We were able to go & see him last Wednesday.

It was the first time I had seen him in 6 years.

There is a long, sad story behind that but suffice to say it was due to sin nature. Isn't it always?

I don't know if he knew me but when I said " I love you Daddy" he said "Love you" back.

We went again on Friday & took all of the children. My 2 youngest had never met their grandpa.

We thought he was getting stronger but yesterday my oldest called to say he was fading.

No one in my family is saved.

It has been my constant prayer for many many years that my parents, my sisters & their families would be saved.

We went to see my dad especially hoping that he would be able to communicate to us that he was saved or wanted to be saved.

This morning he passed without me knowing where he was going.

 My son sent me a message not long after saying that a few days ago my dad had been reciting the Lord's Prayer. I've never heard my daddy say a prayer.

It is my prayer that this was a sign that he had asked Jesus into his heart & that he is with the Lord right now.

It is also my prayer that this will open a door into the hearts of my family & they will be saved.

It is heart wrenching to think of my family not sharing in Eternal Life.

The alternative is horrifying.

Pray for your family, your friends, anyone you have ever met who is not saved. Don't sit idly by & let them be damned.

I love you Daddy.


Saturday, December 3, 2011

Conversations in the truck...

Conversation with DP (5): 

DP: "Mommy, when you were little were you taught that monkeys turned into people?" 

Me: "yes" 

DP: "That's a myth right?" 

Me: "yes" 

DP: "Lots of people still believe that right?" 


DP: "They should read the Bible." 

Me: "yes!"
