Sunday, September 19, 2010

Home Again?

I had a surreal experience this week.

I went "home".

That old saying "You can't go home again"? It's so true.

We went back to my hometown.

I wanted to see the house I grew up in.

It isn't there anymore.

An emormous Lutheran church is sitting in the middle of our pasture.

Horse shoe pits are where the house once stood.

A small storage shed is all that is left of the many barns.

I almost cried.

Well, truly I did, a little.

It was so different. So unrecognizable.

I had to walk the property to orient myself.

Most of the trees are gone. All of the walnut trees & the huge old oak.

I stood at the spot that was my bedroom window.

It was bittersweet.

I know it was just a house - and not a very well built one at that.

But I grew up there.

And I was happy there.

After we moved away I wasn't happy again for a long time.

I'm glad we got to see it again.

But it wasn't "home".

Not anymore.
