The older I get, the less I say "NO".
As a young parent I often said "NO".
"No we can't do that" "No you can't have that" "No we don't have time" "No" "No" "No".
It was always on the tip of my tongue. Kind of a knee-jerk reaction.
I think I missed out on many, many opportunities that way.
Opportunities to build memories, to have fun, to make my children laugh.
But the Lord has been growing me. Softening me.
I used to be a perfectionist. Everything had to be 'just so' and that was often the source of my 'no'.
I'm much less of a perfectionist now.
Oh, don't get me wrong. I still want everything perfect. But I have learned that perfection comes at a cost. The cost of saying 'no'.
I have learned that it is much more fun to have imperfectly frosted cookies & cupcakes & messy, sticky, happy kids, than it is to say "no" & do it myself.
It is much more fun to put aside what I am doing & take the 10 minutes (how could I begrudge them 10 minutes??) to help them with their drawing or their Lego house or whatever it is they want me to help with.
I still mess up. I still say "no" without really listening. I still miss opportunities to have fun, build memories, be together.
But it happens much less now then it used to.
This morning was a busy morning. The house was messy & there was lots to do to tidy up, do laundry, make breakfast & get everything ready to leave for Bible study this afternoon. But The Little Man aksed for a 'blue cake'. First thing after getting up he asked for a 'blue cake.' I put him off a little while I started chores but he asked again. And again. I realized he wasn't going to 'forget'. It was on the tip of my tongue to say "No. We don't have time. Another day."
But something stopped me. (Thank you Lord) And I said "yes!"
We looked up a recipe for a simple cake. He helped me mix it all up (something else I used to say "no" to) & we added in enough blue food coloring to get us ALL diagnosed with ADHD
& popped that puppy into the oven.
The Little Man sat himself down in front of the oven & asked me to turn the light on so he could watch it bake. You guessed it! I used to would have said "no' to that too! I was a mean mommy
. But I turned the light on for him & he was happy!
How easy it is to make our children happy if we just take the time to say "yes".
So as soon as finish writing this (notice I took the time to write this down) I have to pull the cake out of the oven, hopefully have time to frost before we leave, get everybody dressed & loaded & on with our day.
So take it from an older, more relaxed mom.
Just say "Yes!"