Recently, after much prodding by friends, I started a Facebook account. It took me several days to figure out & I am still flying by the seat of my pants, but it is fun.
One of the cooler aspects of it is the ability to 'search' for people. You can type in your high school name & class year & find all of the people you went to school with. I did this & found a friend I had lost touch with years ago. You know, the people you always wonder "whatever happened to them?"
I just found another friend I hadn't heard from in years. We were inseperable right out of high school. We had all kinds of wild & stupid adventures. We lost contact about 13 or 14 years ago. How does that happen? It seems like people just drift away. You don't fight or have a falling out, you just lose touch. That is the amazing thing about the internet & sites like Facebook. You might have spent the last 10 years searching for someone & then you type their name in Facebook & BAM! there they are.
I am terribly old fashioned & not very up to date on the 'latest things' but sometimes technology is just cool. Like the ability to Blog. Digital cameras make it possible for us to take a picture, load it onto the computer & send it out to a 100 different e-mails in minutes. Beats the heck out of getting triple copies to mail out to your in-laws
Google is just too cool. You can look up anything in seconds. My husband & I use it all the time for song lyrics. Instead of letting your failed memory drive you crazy, you can find the complete lyrics to all the stupid songs from high school that you can't remember anymore. Or when we couldn't remember a specific dance move we used to do ALL the time (the pretzel) we looked it on You Tube.
I still like 'the old ways' & I am more likely to reach for a book than my computer, but you have to admit, it's an awesome tool to have.