It has been an interesting week. It started out with temperatures well below zero which froze my washer. Then it moved into severe storm warnings & white out conditions. We managed to burst a pipe under the house & be without water for a day; until my poor husband drove home thru the whiteout conditions just to crawl under the house & cap the pipe.
The washer still isn't working, going on day 5. It's getting ugly. The plan is to move it into the house as part of our pantry remodel but a certain amount of demolition has to happen first. If it doesn't happen today I am going to have to visit the dreaded laundro-mat
I am working on day 4 of a cold which keeps me up at night. Not that I have been sleeping anyway since late pregnancy also keeps me up at night. Why does it seem like your body conspires to keep you up just when you crave sleep the most?
We had a fabulous Christmas gift planned for the kids (a pony!) but it is over an hour away, over a mountain pass which we can't drive over because of the weather. And it is supposed to keep snowing for the next 2 weeks. So yesterday we had to go actual Christmas shopping with our "B" list. I really don't enjoy shopping, crowds or feeling like I "have" to buy something but it was just me & my husband & we had fun. It was almost like a date
We are going to rent some x-country skis to have over Christmas as a fun family thing to do. Our oldest is home for the week & I don't think he has ever gone x-country skiing before. He is a snow boarder so this should be fun. And yes, I am planning on skiing. It should be very interesting
. Maybe it will encourage labor. I am totally primed for a Christmas baby.
Oh, we bought the coolest thing! Stock tank de-icers! Now, all you city folk are probably scratching your heads, saying "huh?" But all you country folk who have ever had to chop ice so your animals could drink, YOU know. We bought 2 to try in the big stock tank & we are going to pick up a new tank for my cow so she can have one. We are even going to get one for the chicken water. So, soon, we shouldn't have to chop any ice at all or even switch out waterers. Except for the rabbits. They do have heated water bottles for rabbits but at $20 each & we currently have 10 or so rabbits, I think the kids can keep switching water bottles.
That's about it from the homestead. Hope you are staying warm.