Thursday, April 10, 2008


I am strugging today. First I am struggling with putting this on my blog. I am a very private person and not used to sharing my feelings. But it has been on my heart all day to write this post. Maybe someone needs to read it? Maybe I just need to write it?

I am struggling in my spirit. Struggling to feel content. Struggling not to desire more.

For many years my husband and I let the "world" tell us that  3 children was enough. Three children was all we could "afford". All we needed. All we wanted. It never set quite right but we bought into it anyway. Maybe it was easier? We wasted many years. We denied the Lord to bless us. A few years ago we realized the "world" was wrong. We didn't want to be done. We wanted more blessings. We wanted to give the Lord control in ALL aspects of our life. We stopped using birth control. Four months later, I became pregnant with our Little Man. Those 4 months felt like forever. It never took that long with our other children. I was 38 when I had him. Had I wasted too much time? Was I too old?

Last fall I became pregnant again. I lost the baby at 8 weeks. That was and is so amazingly painful. My children cried. They asked if we would know if the baby was a brother or a sister when we get to Heaven. I felt like such a failure.

Four months later I still feel like a failure. Every month that I don't get pregnant I just feel like a failure. I'm too old. I wasted too much time. I have this deep emptiness inside me that longs for another child. A heart-felt desire for a bigger family. More children to raise up in the love of the Lord. More chances to get it right. Is this a God-given desire? Or is it flesh? This is the source of my struggling. Every month I am not pregnant, I just want to lie down on the floor and cry. To dissolve into a puddle of self-pity. But how can I do that? How could I be so ungrateful? I have so much. I have Jesus. I have my husband. I have 4 beautiful, healthy children. I have a home. I have a church family that loves me and that I love. I am truly blessed beyond measure. So why do I feel empty?

I have always felt strong empathy for women who struggle to conceive. I always wondered how they made it through. Now I wonder how I will make it through.Pregnancy is such a basic part of our womanhood that to struggle in it shakes us to our very core. 

I pray that the Lord will send us more babies. I pray that this desire of my heart is a God-given one and not of my flesh. I pray that in my struggles I can be a positive witness to the Love of Christ. I pray that if there are no more babies in my future that I can offer that as a sacrifice of praise. I pray that I will continue to count my blessings and not the things I feel that I lack. I pray that I can have a joyful heart no matter what and that I can share my joy with those around me. It is so easy to get bogged down in our self-pity and be unpleasant to those around us. It is so easy to take my children who are for granted, as I long for children who are not.

It is my prayer that I may be a joyful, loving, mother and wife no matter what the months ahead might bring. And it is my prayer that if you, too, are strugging that you may also be joyful in your struggles. And that the Lord would grant us both Peace.



  1. LKS, I can see your longing, I can empathize, and I wish there were a clear answer to the struggle of KNOWING. When I read what 'seventhheaven' commented - the truth of what she (?) says really touched my heart.

    I too, like probably everyone else who ever lived, have dreams and desires that are thrwarted by some reason or obstacle or another. I shed tears, plead with God, try to make sense of it/figure out the lesson, try to convince myself of some God-logic in the justification of my object of desire or goal unmet...

    but seventhheaven says it so well that I am awed and humility hangs over me. We can't always know the right thing so it keeps coming down to trusting and then getting on with life as it is - the best we can.

    I would hate for you to look back another 20 years from now and feel regret yet again for all the time spent dwelling on something that robbed you of the joy in hand because you were unable to connect to it fully. Your personal "struggle" with this seems to overshadow the sense of things being enough. You are enough, your family is enough, but perhaps something else isn't enough... it seems that something - this desire or not - is overpowering your ability to fully enjoy your family, your life, as it is.

    How healthy will that be for you -or them over the long term?

    Maybe you still need to heal from your loss, and maybe you still need to come to an understanding- an acceptance of those past regrets, to move on. Maybe after those things you grieve over are not paining you, you'll be able to connect to and recieve more 'blessings' (be they children or no). How you get to that point may be a long journey or one of those things that just 'opens your eyes' and the light comes in...

    There are a couple of things I can suggest -other than those thoughts from seventhheaven, or a spiritual/other counselor- is to begin focusing on a deeper connection to your existing family- finding ways to enrich your everyday experiences with them.

    Another would be to extend your time and talent to someone ELSES children (they are all Gods' children anyway)- perhaps fostering kids, or even considering adoptions -- or some other gift from yourself...

    May be very soon that you find yourself COMPLETELY satisfied in the knowledge that your cup runneth over already..

    God is good - believe that and let him take this burden!

    -It was brave of you to put yourself out here sharing such an intimate personal pain and struggle, but you know that we all have them in some form or another as we must all learn lessons on communing with God and coming to terms with these messy lives we lead. I hope someone is able to say the thing, or point the way toward the path you are called to.

    In the meantime, try not to stress over what you should or shouldn't do- you might as well relax and let Gods hand intervene where it will anyway! (Right? You know I'm right!)

  2. I know exactly how you feel. Only I went a bit further and went the way of the world. I got my tubes burned. Sounds awful doesn't it? I realize now that it was an aweful thing to do. If only The Lord would heal me and give me another chance to raise another child for His glory. That is also my hearts desire.

    I know what I did was wrong now. I was so wrong! I have since asked forgiveness from God for taking things into my own hands.I know that I have been forgiven.

    I am glad to hear that you didn't go as far as I did. You still have a chance. Keep praying and seeking The Lord's face. You can be sure that He is in control of all and knows your hearts desires.

    I'll say a prayer for you. Please keep me in yours!

    Amanda <><

    II Corinthians 5:7

  3. I understand. I never did one thing to stop a pregnancy. But After my 3rd loss last yr I felt like I was broken. It was 9 mths after that before I was pregnant again. It was a hard wait. Never had to go through that long of a wait while being able to be pregnant. 2 babies in a row with Jesus. I was wondering why? what did I do or not do? I knew I just h to wait and just enjoy my girls. Once I was content God gave me a baby. I am 15.4 weeks along now. It is hard to believe I am again expecting.

    I am praying for you.

    Love You!

