Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Busy Times

It has been a busy, cold, WINDY day here, on the farm. My apricot tree, raspberries and blackberries came in the mail today. So I dug 10 holes and got them all planted and watered. That is a good feeling!

We had an old outbuilding that we have been using as a pony barn. Well, the pony chewed away the entire back wall over the winter . A lot of the remaining wood was rotten and the foundation beams were about gone. We made the decision to tear it down today. I have to say that was depressing. To tear down something that has stood for so long (at least 50 years) and no doubt provided many uses during it's existence, just makes me sad. But it isn't done yet! The metal roofing will be re-used in the new barn we are building. The good wood will be stacked and I will make benches out of it to sell this summer. The rotted, broken wood will be piled up to use as kindling to warm our house. So even though it won't be barn anymore it will keep on providing. I know  I'm  weird but that does provide me with some comfort .

Tomorrow we have to dig up a leaky water pipe and hopefully fix the leak. And our neighbor is coming over to A.I. my cow!. This will be the second time so, Lord willing, she will "take" this time. I still haven't planted my strawberries and asparagus .  Oh, well. Tomorrow is another day.


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