Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I Did it!

I actually made my order from Gurney's. But it was a bittersweet experience. Even though the catalog said I could order Peach Trees they wouldn't let me order peach trees! For some unknown reason they won't ship peach trees to CA, WA, OR.  Sometimes I really hate living on the West Coast .

But I did get to order blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, asparagus, onion sets, a dwarf pomegranate tree, an apricot tree and I think that is all. I will have to try and find a peach tree locally. I am hoping to put together a few raised beds this week. If I can get them together I will use them as a cold frame. I want to start lettuce, cabbage, onions and spinach. And maybe broccolli. Green food! I am craving real, fresh green food. It is rainy and damp here. I don't like the rain. It depresses me. I can take all the snow you can dish out but not rain. Blah. I am feeling very lazy today but I have actually gotten a lot done. I milked, started a new batch of yogurt, made butter, made bread (which is now baking, mmmm), cleaned out the pots & pans cupboard, started a load of laundry, swept, made the beds, loaded & ran the dishwasher and read a few chapters of our current Civil War book to my kids. Wow. I almost sound productive .

I cleaned out the pots & pans because we got a new set of stainless steel pots & pans! How cool is that? Some of our old stuff was really nasty so it was fun to put away all the shiny new pots. And they work really well, they heat up so much faster than what we had. My son was scrambling eggs and almost burned the oil it heated up so fast!

Well, I'm supposed to be helping with English. Back to the salt mines.


  1. We received our order from Gurney's a few weeks ago. We got all kinds of good stuff that will need to go in the ground soon.

    We got strawberries too and they are starting to look really good!

    Ain't God good!

    Amanda <><

    II Corinthians 5:7

  2. This order sounds yummy, i hope it all becomes your Christmas jams !
