Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Bad Idea

Okay. Gone With The Wind was a BAD idea. I forgot about the little girl. I forgot about Melanie. I had forgotten how much the end of that movie totally s*cks. I mean talk about depressing. My poor daughter started crying when the girl died & didn't stop until we sent her to bed 45 minutes later. It should have a warning label. "WARNING: do not watch if you have a weak heart, if you have any common sense at all & can't stand watching people make stupid choices, if you are a tender hearted 8 yr old girl. May cause heart palpitations, crying jags, & exclamations of "No! Scarlet no! Don't do it!" Consult your physician if symptoms continue."

So we watched this video called "The Story of Stuff" (I think) I think it was YOUTube. It's all about how stuff is "really" made & the true costs & what we can do to be better consumers & better stewards of our environment. It was a little heavy on the "environmentalist wacko" side for me but it did have some good points. Especially about "planned obsolessence" (did I spell that right?) But what always gets me about that subject, is okay, I realize that MOST people in this country live in an urban environment but I don't.  So the "suggestions" for ways "you can help" drive me nuts. If I were to "park my car and walk" to say the closest store, I would be gone for 2 days. And the closest thing to public transportation around here is the church van. Only once in my lifetime have I ever lived close enough to a store or library (or anything for that matter) to walk to it. And we did ALL the time! It was such a novelty not to have to strap into the car for an hour or more just to go to town. The other thing they harped on was shopping. "We", the collective public, have to be "in style" & have the latest gagdets. We do? I generally shop at Goodwill. Get a haircut maybe twice a year(my birthday & my anniversary). I own 1 car which is almost 10 yrs old & paid for.  We rarely travel, rarely eat out, and generally just don't like spending money  And I don't think anyone has ever mistaken me for being "in style" . Ah, well, that is my rant for the evening. I think I will go watch an obsolete video on my 13 inch T.V. Blessings.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I know what you mean ...

    Gone With the Wind has been my favorite movie since I saw it as a little girl, in spite of the tragedy and heartbreak. Though, somehow, I always think it will end differently. *sigh*

