Friday, February 8, 2008

Zucchini & Carrots

Last summer I froze several bags of grated zucchini and carrots. I initially did it for bread but I have since discovered that it is fabulous in soups and stews. I put it up in 2 cup batches in quart size freezer bags. The really nice thing about this is how easy it is to put up. Just wash, peel(zucchini) grate and freeze. No slicing or blanching necessary. My 10 yr old put up bunches by himself.

The great thing about this is, in August everyone is "zucchinied" out. But by Christmas time it's sounding pretty good again. You just reach into the freezer, pull out a bag, thaw, drain and pull out your favorite recipe. My bread calls for 2 cups so I freeze 2 cups to a bag. I like to mix the carrot and zucchini. My big discovery this winter is how good this is in soup. Just dump a bag in when you are making you soup or stew and it adds great flavor. This is a wonderful way to sneak more veggies into a recipe. Especially if you have family members who are not big on squash (me! me!). Here is a nice soup recipe & my Zucchini Bread recipe.

Chicken Soup

Boil down 1 chicken in large stock pot(this can be a whole chicken or the carcass leftover from a baked or broiled bird) I usually boil it all day, sometimes overnight. Let cool, strain broth into a large bowl or pot, pick through meat removing all bones and any gristle, skin or yucky stuff. Add good meat back into broth. Transfer back to large stock pot.

Add grated, sliced or chopped veggies:




green  beans



Any veggie you have on hand & your family will eat.

1 chopped onion

Sea salt, pepper, garlic to taste

You can also add dried peas, barley or lentils

Add it all into the broth and simmer several hours until everything is cooked .

If you want to add rice or noodles wait unitl the last 20 minutes or it will be mushy.


Zucchini  Bread

3 eggs                                                                                         

3 tsp Vanilla

Veg. oil        

2c sugar   

2c. grated zucchini(or 1c zucchini & 1c carrots)                                                            

 1/2 tsp baking powder

1 tsp. baking soda

 3 tsp. cinnamon

 1 tsp. sea salt

3 1/2 c flour( 1/2 whole wheat 1/2 white works well)       

  1 c. chopped nuts (optional)

Mix all ingredients in one bowl. Pour into 2 greased & floured bread pans. Bake @ 375 for 1 hour 10 min.

This is a simple way to preserve your (over abundant) zucchini crop.

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