Sunday, February 17, 2008

Garden Musings

I got a Gurneys Catalog in the mail this weekend. We topped out in the low 30's today and we still have almost 2 feet of snow on the ground but Boy! those catalogs get you thinking. I went through with my black sharpie circling my hearts desires. I do this every year and tell myself this is the year I'm really going to order. But then it seems I can never quite justify spending the money. Maybe this year will be the one. I circled a peach tree, an apricot tree, a Fuji apple tree, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, strawberries and asparagus. I even asked my husband for permission to order and he said "Yes". So we'll see. As soon as we can work in the garden we (and by "we" I mean "me") are going to build raised beds. I want to go totally raised beds this year. I have drawn up several diagrams of how I want it laid out, what I want to plant and where. I am excited about the raised beds. They will cut down on the weeds and allow me to make them into mini hoop-houses. I'm hoping that will extend our very short (90 days if we're lucky) growing season. I also have plans for a small greenhouse. I'm hoping to put the tomatoes and peppers in the green house and really improve our yields. We'll see how it goes . Since gardening is on my mind I think I will share some pics of last years garden.

Pumpkins in the foreground and tomatoes in the back.


Big pumpkin.

Green beans trellis and artichoke in foreground.

I  can't wait until I have pictures of this years garden!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, they say that snow is poorman's fertlizer.
