Sunday, February 3, 2008

After the Storm

I thought I would post some shots of our snow. We added about a foot of snow in the last few days. With the wind we had it has blown and drifted all over. Some drifts are over the top of our 4 foot fence. We are completely snowed in. (and perfectly happy about it )

Here is my suburban.

This is my husbands truck.In the center of the picture, under that big drift of snow is a full size wheelbarrow. It is completely buried.

Notice the drifts are almost as high the pony.Happy cows have barns.


  1. We got snow today to, but not as much drifting as you did. Wow!!! Isn't it amazing and beautiful, and irritating all at the same time. LOL

    God's Blessings,

    Amy Jo

  2. She does look like a happy cow :)
