Sunday, April 17, 2016

London: Last Day

Today was my last full day in London. Tomorrow I fly home.

We spent the day wandering around. Enjoying a few pubs & doing a little last minute souvenir shopping.

We also went to the Columbia Road Flower Market which was a madhouse!

So many people.

Flowers everywhere. Potted & cut. Even potted trees. The sellers were calling out prices "3 for 5" "that's 3 for a fiver"

They don't do that in Bonanza...

Taz enjoyed the outing. He was carried around as befits a royal personage checking on the rabble...

Pretty! Pretty!

This was the cute little pub where we had a snack. Did you know most pubs allow dogs? They even had biscuits for them & a crystal bowl for them to get a drink of water.

See you on the flip side.


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