Wednesday, April 13, 2016

London: Day 4

Today was a red letter day in the life of this stay-at-home, home-schooling, homesteading, farm wife with 5 children who never does anything alone.

I don't even go to the grocery store alone...

But today, today, I walked to the 'tube' by myself. Found the right train & boarded by myself. Got off at the correct stop by myself. And toured the National Gallery by myself. Then took myself and my map & wandered all over London finding specific shops & tourist spots & the correct 'tube' station & specific train home by myself. And then walked the several winding blocks back to the apartment ~including stopping at 2 more stores ~ BY MYSELF.

You sensing the theme here?

I had fun too. It was a beautiful day ~ it was actually hot! And London is a gorgeous city. Gorgeous.

And the National Gallery is nothing to sneeze at.

I saw Renoir.

I saw Rembrandt.

I saw Titian.

I saw Manet.

I saw Monet.

I saw Van Gogh.

And about a bazillion other amazing beautiful pieces of art, (and some kind of creepy pieces too!)

It was super fascinating to me that at least at least 70% (maybe more) of the subject matter for these paintings was biblical. From portraits of Mary & Jesus to Paul's conversion & the netting of the fish in Luke. I loved seeing all the different interpretations & styles & time periods telling the stories.

Love this one ~ "mene mene tekel upharsin"

Look at the colors in the Joseph one! It looks like a modern print!

Whistlejacket was gorgeous. And huge. HUGE. He was painted life size & the painting took up an entire wall.

Pretty! Pretty!  So pretty.

The Van Goghs

Beautiful view of Big Ben & Westminster Abbey thru the park.


Captain Cook ~ how cool is he?

The Horse Guards. These guys were cool.

The Westminster Abbey. Right in the heart of town.

Tomorrow we take the train to Paris! 


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