Wednesday, April 13, 2016

London: Day 3

Yesterday we went to the British Museum.

Such an unassuming name isn't it? 

And then you walk inside...

Oh. My.

The Rosetta Stone. THE Rosetta Stone.

Look at the details on this 2000 year old piece of stone. Look at the fingernails & the bracelet.

...and the traces of paint. These used to be brightly painted.

Jeanmarie met this guy...


If you read your Bible you recognized a bunch of names in those exhibits. Cyrus, Darius, Xerxes, Artaxerxes, Tiglath-Pileezer ~it's a veritable whose who of bad news Bible dudes.

So unbelievably cool to actually see things from their palaces.

I may have geeked out a bit telling stories about who they were & what they did...

And this lovely view of the moon was our bonus goodnight.


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