Thursday, April 7, 2016

London: Day 2

Another day in London town.

A cold, rainy, blustery day.

We started out with a visit to 221B Baker St.

If you don't know why  we went there. your literary education is sorely lacking & that must be amended before we can continue...

Inspector Lestrade ?

This is a gorgeous HUGE hotel.

This was the tile in the hallway.

These were taken inside the lobby of the hotel. Inside.

Check out the gargoyles!

Pretty daffodils in one of the dozens of parks thru out the city.

The gates to Buckingham Palace. Nothing fancy just, you know, a solid gold filigree family crest...

The Palace.

The Palace Guard.

The really really  well armed Palace Guards...


Absolutely fabulous statues in the middle of the Palace Square. 

So not only did we visit Sherlock & the Queen we went to an exhibition on Alice in Wonderland which just so happened to have the original hand written hand drawn manuscript which Lewis Carroll made for Alice. 

Just there, on display, in the public library.

What else was in the library?

Oh I dunno.

Just the Magna Carta. The Gutenburg Bible from 1453. The letter condemning Mary Queen of Scotts to prison. The letter Henry VIII wrote asking for a divorce from his first wife so he could marry Anne Boleyn. Hand written music from Bach, Beethoven, Handel, Mozart. A copy of Don Quixote from 1040.


And it's all there, on display FOR FREE in the public library.

I love London.


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