Wednesday, June 25, 2008


This is cyber-world right? Nobody actually "knows" me right? So I can freely express my opinions of government entities without fear of reprisal right?

Let me just say, the FHA has nice loans. Good interest rates, easy terms, nice loans. Okay, now that that is out of the way, let me just also say, The FHA is anal retentive, arbitrary and STUPID . Okay, I feel better now.

We're refinancing right? So we had an appraisal right? After sitting on the appraisal for 2 weeks, the appraisor says, "oh by the way....." 

Apparently, the FHA is offended by reclaiming gray water. We have our washing machine set up to drain on the lawn. I don't wash in hot water usually and I use homemade, non-toxic, laundry soap. It doesn't hurt the lawn and it is a way of recycling 1000's of gallons of water every year. Well, the FHA would rather I dumped all that water in my septic tank. So we had to unhook our recycling system and hook it back into the septic system. No big deal really. Just annoying and completely environmentally unsound. But then, come to find out, you can't have an FHA loan unless you have a heating source in EVERY room.

We had to waste several hundred dollars (which we were saving for our new roof--something we actually NEED) and 2 days on baseboard heaters which we don't want, won't use and didn't need anyway.

The lamest part of all of this? Where we live, when it is really cold, the power usually goes out and the only way to heat the house is our woodstove, which is what we use anyway. So the lame baseboard heaters are useless. Blah.

Needless to say this has been frustrating. But, now that we have jumped through all the hoops, maybe they  will FINALLY get our loan done and we can move on.  That would be SO nice.


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