Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Well. We finally have an appointment for our appraisal. Next Tuesday. So we can have a frantic weekend of "perfecting". I have to mow, weed eat, and just generally clean up anything that doesn't look "appraisal worthy". My husband and kids have to cut and stack all the firewood we just brought home. And I want to build a split rail fence out front. I already have the rails, we just have to put it together.

This is a really good loan at a low interest rate. Our loan and rate now SUCK. Sorry but they do. And the company that has the loan is awful. I think they outsource everything to India. No one speaks english and they are constantly trying to tack on "fees". Grrr. I will not miss them. And I will be soooo glad to have it done.

We still have to put on our new roof. And if I can find a way, we really want to add a deck on the back of the house. Put in a nice french door leading out of the kitchen. That would be sooo nice. Now you enter thru the laundry room. Not the nicest first impression .

All of my berry bushes are leafing out and the new trees  I planted are growing. One of my cherry trees didn't make it thru the winter so I need to replace it. I would like to get 2 more and I want some new apple trees too. Maybe a Fuji and a Pink Lady. I can't wait until all the berries and trees are producing. That will be a fabulous thing.



  1. I have been told that pink lady apple trees are registered. you have to pay a yearly I-have-a pink-lady-apple-tree fee and a certain amount every year based on what it produces. I could have been misinformed, but so I have been told.

  2. Just stopping by to say Hi and hope you have a great weekend...sounds like it will be a busy one for you.


