Thursday, May 29, 2008

What in the world...... going on in this picture?

I just felt this need to share with you how cheap, um, uh, I mean frugal we really are.

You see, my husband travels quite a bit. He usually stays in  hotels 3 or 4 nights a week. Being the thrifty fellow he is, he always brings home all the little bottles of shampoo and lotion and all the little soaps. Being the tightwads we are, we empty all those little bottles into a big bottle and voila all the shampoo we could ever need.

Lotion too.

We have quite an impressive collection of little soaps too (sorry no pic) Just to really drive home our thriftiness, not only do we use the hotel soap as soap, I use it to make laundry soap as well.

3 or 4 of those little soaps equals 1 bar of big soap, so I grate up about 8 little soaps for my laundry soap.

We haven't bought soap, lotion or shampoo in quite a while. I haven't bought laundry soap in almost a year.

It's good to be cheap. I mean frugal .



  1. Smart Women if you ask me.. I love those little samples.. I hit the free sites and get all kinds of samples from shampoo, toothpaste etc.. and we use them....

    It is nice to be cheap i mean frugal.. hee hee hee..


  2. A girl after my own heart! LOL!!

    Blessings from Ohio, Kim Wolf<><

  3. We do the same thing when we travel. :- ) Just this past weekend, I took clean empty 20 oz. drink bottles with us to the conference. I bought 2 liter drinks (mt. dew) and refilled the bottles. Much cheaper (frugal) than buying them alone at $1.35 each. I got 3-4 bottles filled for LESS than the price of one.

    We also use the old 20 oz. plastic bottles for trips out during the day. I make kool-aid, lemonade, or fill with water and freeze. They thaw out as we run errands and we always have cool drinks without having to buy them.

    Every cent saved is a blessing!

    Amanda <><

    II Corinthians 5:7
