Tuesday, May 20, 2008


I am up early this morning. Everyone else is still in bed. I love this quiet time. I have already spent some time with the Lord, praying and reading his word. I would like to start every day like this but I don't. It is my desire to spend my mornings in prayer and in The Word. But so often I spend my mornings getting more sleep. I have never been a morning person. I keep trying to change that but I've only had sporadic success. It's just so important to spend time in The Word. Seeking the face of the Lord. Is there really anything more important? But many mornings the Little Man is awake before me and that pretty much takes care of quiet time. How do you all balance it out? Are you one of the lucky ones that pops up, fresh as a daisy at 5am ? Or are you like me, craving more sleep, the warm bed, a snuggle with your husband? Well quiet time is officially over here. My husband is up and the dogs are barking  But it was good while it lasted.


1 comment:

  1. I get to sleep in most morning, because it's Daddy time. He's out most evening and loves mornings, so he's on ! I wake up to the coffe made. ounds romantic, but remember i went to bed alone instert sad face.

    We have alot of sunshine now so that helps, hope you get some soon too. Holly
