Saturday, May 24, 2008


Our weather has been cold & rainy all week. I had so many plans for weeding, mowing, planting etc. and I haven't been able to do any of them! Sigh. It is supposed to warm up tomorrow so I am hopeful I will get some things done this week.

We need to till up our garden & I am going to take a chance & plant it. I know that must seem silly to you Southerners but it's still early up here. The local folklore is not to plant until the snow is off the mountain. It was almost gone last week, I will double check tomorrow when we go to church. But I think I'm risking it. I know I can get away with lettuce & onions & the like but corn  is still risky. Oh well. Just do it, right?

And my sheets have been in the hamper all week just waiting for a sunny day to hang them out. I love sheets fresh off the line. The dryer always leaves them wrinkly & musty but they are so smooth & clean smelling off the line.

Ah, well, tomorrow is another day.


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